Accufit Facts

This Accufit Facts Report has been compiled by the Body Contouring Academy using exclusively information found on the Accufit manufacturer website(s) and published press release.  Links to these websites are provided at the end of this report.

Accufit aesthetic body contouring treatment
Accufit facts


Strengthen, tone and sculpt muscles

Mechanism of action

Combined Electro-muscular stimulation (EMS) + Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS). to produce waveforms that stimulate four different exercise patterns, ‘twist, hold, grip and tap,’ by themselves or in sequence, controlled by an intelligent real-time impedance feedback system.

How it works

Delivers direct muscle activation treatments with IntelliSTIM electrodes with deliver precisely controlled energy via the combined  Electro-muscular stimulation (EMS) + Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) to the selected muscle triggering a variety of responses depending on the chosen treatment mode.

FDA Cleared

These Accufit facts were not located in the manufacturer’s website(s).

Fat destruction or fat cell breakdown

This device is intended to benefit the muscles and we could find no claims of fat reduction  in the manufacturer website(s).

Areas of the body**

  • Abdomen
  • Obliques (Flanks)
  • Buttocks

**cleared for treatment as per manufacturer’s Accufit facts

Body contouring to abdominals
Body contouring treatment to waist, love handles
body contouring treatment to the buttocks

Treatment time

30 minutes

What should the patient expect during treatment

Patients report a tingling sensation and pressure.

# treatments needed

4 treatments.

Treatment visit frequency

Two treatments per week.


The answer for these Accufit facts was not located in the manufacturer(s) websites or published press release.

When to resume normal activities

The answer for these Accufit facts was not located in the manufacturer(s) websites or published press release.

When will results be seen

Patient testimonial says he noticed results after his second treatment session.

How long will results last

The answer for these Accufit facts was not located in the manufacturer(s) websites or published press release.

Marketing message for consumers/prospective patients

The accuracy and control of targeted muscle activation treatments with third generation electrical-muscle stimulation platform.

*Information contained in this Accufit Report was taken exclusively from the manufacturer’s product website(s), for the purpose of serving as a resource material for aesthetic professionals. It is not intended to promote, criticize or otherwise comment on the device, and does not reflect the opinion(s) of the Body Contouring Academy.