Butt sculpting science, advanced techniques, and new treatments
There’s new advanced techniques for non-invasive butt enhancement. And new treatments, the Rump Plumper and Hip Dip Reduction. With these advanced techniques comes the need for deeper knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the gluteal region. Join us in this episode to get your A&P primer, get the scoop on the new treatments, and discover how you…
Weight Loss vs Fat Loss: why losing weight won’t reshape your client’s body
How well do your clients understand the differences between weight loss and fat loss when it comes to sculpting their bodies? Do they ever tell you “I need to lose weight first before undergoing treatments?” In this episode, we break down the differences and give you seven easy teaching points to help them understand that…
How to help your clients fade stretch marks away with Lipo Laser stretch mark treatments
There’s a huge market for stretch mark reduction. Nearly 90% of the population has them. In this episode, learn what stretch marks are exactly, who they affect, how you can dramatically improve your clients lives using Lipo Laser to fade stretch marks away, and how to easily add it to you menu with our Body…
Steps to take when a body contouring competitor copies your business
What do you do when someone copies your business? It happened to Kristy, one of our students. A copycat body contouring competitor set up shop just one block away from her body contouring business. Learn how she handled it, plus get our Do’s and Don’ts, and our advice on how to prevent it in the first place. All in…