Why you should integrate wellness in your business: these strategic benefits

Adding wellness services is a brilliant strategy and a sure way to future-proof your business. In our med spas, we’ve included wellness services for years and vouch for the immense benefits! Join us as we kick off our wellness series in which we break down, starting with this episode detailing why you should do it.     

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There'll always be a demand for body contouring…but things have been changing.  Have you felt it?  We have.  And we’ve talked about iit.  Fast and easy weight loss with injections chosen by patients who might’ve otherwise jumped right into a cavitation protocol?  The trend is moving in that direction, the direction of wellness.  And let’s just be blunt.  You need to incorporate wellness in your body contouring business or risk getting left behind. These days consumers understand that when they make changes in things like diet, exercise and sleep - it improves not only how they feel…but also how they look. And they have knowledge that there are therapies, technologies and supplements to amp up how they look and feel.  The bottom line is consumers not only want, they expect wellness therapies to accompany their body contouring efforts.  We’ve integrated wellness therapies in our body contouring protocols for twenty years.  Long before wellness was even a thing.  So we have all the know-how and tools to help you. And we intend to.  This episode kicks off a series of podcast episodes in which we break down wellness services for you so you can get your own wellness program underway.   You will see that by adding wellness services to your business - you will not only enhance results, but you’ll increase your revenue and most importantly, keep your business relevant.  So stay tuned as we break down the benefits of adding wellness services to your body contouring business.  We think you’ll be excited.  Stay turned.

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You’re listening to The Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast 

Where you’ll learn simple actionable strategies from real world successful body contouring professionals to help you generate more revenue, realize the profits you want and create the life you desire. 

Hi I’m Shannon and I’m Kay and we’re your hosts of The Proven Profits Podcast


Hi there healthcare professionals, business owners, body contouring technicians and beauty professionals!  Welcome everyone!   Kay here. Shannon and I want to thank you for being here too!

The fact is consumers now understand that beauty comes from a combination-approach to facial aesthetics or body contouring treatments.  And they not only understand it - they expect it - specifically they look for it in making the choice of providers.  What that means is to stay relevant and be in demand, your business needs some kind of a wellness program that encompasses a variety of wellness services.  That’s why adding wellness therapies to your body contouring business is a brilliant business-building move.  You know how wellness services complement and enhance your body contouring efforts.   Plus, when you incorporate wellness therapies, among other things, you’ll attract a wider range of customers, increase your income and improve client satisfaction.  But perhaps the biggest reason to move forward right now is this: more and more consumers want - or expect - wellness therapies to accompany their beauty treatments.  

For a long time we’ve known how wellness services reap super big benefits.  We’ve  incorporated wellness therapies as part of our protocols in our medspas for twenty years…and we can vouch for the immense benefits. We want you to get these same benefits.  So…

This episode kicks off a series of podcast episodes that will provide you with the guidance you need to implement a successful wellness program.  In today’s episode, we focus on the benefits that your business will receive when you integrate wellness therapies.  

In hindsight, we were ahead of the curve in integrating wellness therapies into our medspa’s services.   

We’ve long recognized the impact wellness therapies have on improving treatment results.  

And now, the recognition and demand by consumers has grown from improving treatment results to expectations of improving  the ‘whole self.’


We urge you to keep your business relevant.  Start now with this podcast and stay tuned to all the rest in the series.  Listen in now to learn about the advantages of adding wellness therapies to your business.

Adding wellness therapies to your business will:

I. Boost treatment results

Because wellness therapies optimize the body’s natural processes, they maximize the effectiveness of the body contouring treatment.  

Wellness therapies and technologies:  

Optimize blood flow locally and systemically. Promote collagen regeneration strengthening and toning the skin.

Stimulate elastin production leading to better skin elasticity. 

Boost lymphatic circulation promoting overall detoxification.

Each of these actions boosts and accelerates body contouring treatment outcomes.

II. Improve client satisfaction

Adding wellness therapies to your body contouring protocols significantly improves client satisfaction.  After all, best results equals ecstatic clients!

 By providing a more natural, holistic approach (like nutrition education, red light therapy, vibration therapy) to your body contouring protocols, you’ll create a sense of well-being that addresses the ‘whole person,’ going way beyond targeted fat reduction, skin tightening or booty lifting.

And you will enhance the overall treatment experience by offering these ‘extras.’ 

III. Increase your revenue

Adding wellness therapies to your business increases your bottom line.

You’ll open up new revenue streams with wellness services because each additional service generates additional income.  

Adding wellness services also creates great opportunities for upsales, add-ons and packaging.

IV. Diversify your revenue

Obviously, adding wellness therapies will diversify your income, but you should also consider this: for all businesses, there is a normal ebb and flow in income due to increases or decreases in treatment demands.  To combat this, you definitely want more than one stream of income.

Here’s an example.  The demand for body contouring treatments in our medspa slows down considerably during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, then revs back up by February.  Since consumers have a much lower interest in body contouring services during the holidays, we promote wellness services to maintain a steady income stream.  

More than one revenue stream means you bring in more money when body contouring is booming, and you still have income coming in from wellness therapies when the demand for body contouring treatments slows.   

V. Broaden your market by attracting a wider range of customers

You’ll still appeal to your traditional market, but by adding wellness therapies to your business, you’ll immediately widen your market’s demographics by appealing to a broader range of consumers.  Wellness therapies appeal to a wide variety of consumers, from younger people wanting to optimize their health to older people who want to retain or regain vitality.  

Many consumers are very focused on self-care. This makes wellness services more of a necessity than a luxury.

Unlike traditional body contouring services, your business will appeal to consumers with holistic interests and value natural health.

VI. Increase customer loyalty

By offering wellness therapies to boost body contouring results, you are also improving your client’s overall health.  And that in turn, improves your client’s physical appearance and her sense of well-being. 

⇨  The result?  Clients will love you!  And happy clients reward you with loyalty for rewarding them.  

So when it comes to creating ecstatic customers…

Think of the four “R’s” your business gains:  


Your happy clients will stay with you forever!


Your happy clients will refer friends and family to your business.


Your happy clients will write positive reviews.


Your happy clients will purchase more services. 

VII. Meet consumer demand

Consumers are being driven by an emphasis on ‘wellness’ in their beauty programs.  

It’s a major movement now and the way of the future!  They understand things like wellness therapies, nutrition and sleep improve how they look and feel.  And they expect them to be incorporated as a part of their body contouring or aesthetic program.  

Adding wellness therapies to your body contouring business meets this growing demand. Failure to incorporate a wellness program of some kind may leave your business behind.    

Summing up the advantages of adding wellness therapies 

Adding wellness therapies to your body contouring business isn’t just a trend—it’s a game-changing strategy to enhance results, boost client satisfaction and increase revenue. 

Modern day consumers are actively seeking a holistic approach to beauty, and by offering wellness services, you position your business as a leader in the evolving aesthetic industry. 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow, diversify and future-proof your business. 

Stay tuned for the next episode of our series, where we’ll guide you through the key components of a successful wellness program!



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