Learn the proven sales method used by a 7-figure body contouring business to convert more consulations into sales.
- Are you struggling to close more sales during your consultations?
- Do you feel uncomfortable asking your clients to buy?
- Do you want to learn a proven sales method that will help you close more sales and build a thriving body contouring business?
If so, then your in the right place!

In this course you will learn:
You'll also learn:

But that's not all!
This course also includes:

Enroll in this course today & start closing more sales!
Single Enrollment $499
For a limited time only $349
This course shows you how to sell the way your clients want to buy
Using integrity, relationships and empathy
The very same values that body contouring professionals hold high
So…your consultation feels and flows naturally and sincerely…not salesy
Is this course for you?
YES! This course is for you, if you want to:

Meet your Faculty

Kay Casner Overley, Aesthetic RN & Attorney
Kay Casner Overley is a non-invasive body contouring expert, leader in aesthetics business and operations, medical spa entrepreneur, author, podcaster, and co-founder of the Body Contouring Academy.

Shannon Schimmel, Licensed Esthetician
Shannon Schimmel is a non-invasive body contouring expert, leader in aesthetics sales and marketing, spa entrepreneur, author, podcaster and co-founder of the Body Contouring Academy.
Kay and Shannon have owned and operated medical spas since 2006, the most recent was founded in 2015
- Sculpt Away body shaping + beauty lounge, still operating in San Antonio, TX
- Reached 7-figures with Sculpt Away within less than a year
- The Med Spa still operates at that level today
Authors of:
Body Contouring 101: Your Complete Guide to Getting the Body you want without Surgery
Creators and hosts of:
The Proven Profits Podcast, a podcast for aesthetics business owners
In the courses, they share their knowledge and experience, and the protocols, forms, systems and tools they developed (and still use) in their medical spa.
Consultations are where you make most of your money!
So start making more money
Start closing more sales
Begin building a huge database of lifetime clients
Enroll in this Consultation course today!
Single Enrollment $499
For a limited time only $349