Thermage FLX RF System Facts
This Thermage FLX RF System Facts Report has been compiled by the Body Contouring Academy using exclusively information found on the Thermage FLX RF System manufacturer website(s) and video(s). Links to these website(s) and video(s) are provided at the end of this report.
Note to readers about this Thermage FLX RF System Facts Report:
The Thermage FLX RF System is indicated for treatment of both the face and the body. This Report is limited to body indications.

Skin tightening
Mechanism of action
Pulsed RadioFrequency (RF) technology heats the deep, collagen-rich layers of the skin, producing new collagen growth over time. The new collagen growth tightens the skin. Simultaneous rotational vibration is used to cool the skin’s surface for patient comfort.
How it works
The device delivers radiofrequency energy while the tip vibrates simultaneously. The body’s healing response stimulates the production of new collagen. As the new collagen grows, the skin tightens with continued improvement up to six months.
FDA Cleared
Yes, the Radiofrequency component of the device is cleared for facial and periorbital wrinkles. (these indications not addressed in this Report)
Yes, the Radiofrequency components with the simultaneous use of skin vibration with the applicators, the Body Tip and the Total Tip, are cleared for skin tightening to the body and the temporary reduction of the appearance of cellulite.
Fat destruction or fat cell breakdown
Not addressed in the manufacturer’s website(s) or video(s). This is a skin tightening and cellulite reduction device.
Areas of the body**
- Face, eyes
- Jawline and under the chin
- Abdomen
- Legs
**cleared for treatment as per manufacturer’s Thermage FLX RF System facts. Though we could not locate the FDA cleared body areas in the manufacturer websites, the websites speak only to the abdomen and the legs.

Treatment time
30 - 90 minutes, depending on the treatment area.
What should the patient expect during treatment
The patient will feel a brief heating sensation when the device’s tip touches the skin, followed by a cooling sensation to protect the skin and minimize discomfort.
# treatments needed
One treatment can deliver outstanding results for most patients.
Treatment visit frequency
The answer was not located on the manufacturer’s website(s) or video(s).
Little to no downtime.
When to resume normal activities
The patient can go right back to life as usual.
When will results be seen
For most patients, measurable results appear gradually in two to six months following a single treatment.
How long will results last
Results improve over time and can be long lasting, 1 - 2 years depending on the patient’s skin condition and the aging process.
Marketing message for consumers/prospective patients
All the sit-ups in the world can’t tighten skin, but Thermage can.
Learn more Thermage FLX RF System facts
More Thermage FLX RF System facts in this video
FDA Clearance information for these Thermage FLX RF System facts was found in the FDA’s clearance notification posted online and in the Press Release article. See those below.
*Information contained in this Thermage FLX RF System Report was taken exclusively from the manufacturer’s product website(s), for the purpose of serving as a resource material for aesthetic professionals. It is not intended to promote, criticize or otherwise comment on the device, and does not reflect the opinion(s) of the Body Contouring Academy.