truSculpt iD Facts

This truSculpt iD Facts Report has been compiled by the Body Contouring Academy using exclusively information found on the truSculpt iD manufacturer websites and videos.  Links to these websites and videos are provided at the end of this report.

Note to readers about this truSculpt iD Facts Report  (truSculpt iD vs truSculpt 3D):

truSculpt iD is the newest platform that includes the six handpieces of truSculpt 3D.  The iD, with two additional handpieces, incorporates the additional capability of treating more than one area at the same time and can also be done hands-free with a shorter treatment time. 

truSculpt iD treatment, fat reduction treatment
truSculpt iD Facts, body contouring equipment


Fat reduction

Mechanism of action

2MHz Monopolar RadioFrequency (RF) Energy

How it works

  • Proprietary RF technology penetrates deep to treat the subcutaneous fat layer.
  • The RF energy delivery is dynamically adjusted based on continuous monitoring of skin temperature allowing the skin to be comfortably heated and allowing for careful temperature range controls.
  • Adipose tissue is selectively targeted and heated.
  • Fat cells are irreversibly damaged and eliminated by passing through the body naturally.

FDA Cleared


Fat destruction or fat cell breakdown

Permanent fat cell destruction. “Clinical histology indicates that truSculpt iD is clinically proven to cause inflammation and fat necrosis from beneath the dermis down to 1.5 cm in depth.”

Areas of the body**

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks

**cleared for treatment as per manufacturer’s truSculpt iD facts

Body contouring to abdominals
Body contouring treatment to waist, love handles

Treatment time

Offers “unique handpiece placement versatility” and customized 15-minute protocols to treat full abdomen and flanks simultaneously. A truSculpt 3D treatment requires 60-minutes for treatment.

What should the patient expect during treatment

The patient will “remain comfortable during treatment.”

Patients find this treatment to feel like a hot stone massage.

# treatments needed

These truSculpt iD facts were not found on manufacturer website(s) or Youtube video. The website(s) does state that the patient will see reduction in one treatment.

Treatment visit frequency

These truSculpt iD facts were not found on manufacturer website(s) or Youtube video.


No downtime.

When to resume normal activities

No downtime.

When will results be seen

Average of 24% fat reduction seen as early as 6 weeks and continue to see improvement up to 12 weeks post truSculpt iD treatment.

How long will results last

These truSculpt iD facts were not directly answered on manufacturer website(s) or Youtube video, but all sources state “permanent fat cell destruction.”

Marketing message for consumers/prospective patients

Get your best body with treatments from our truSculpt systems: personalized body and muscle sculpting, fat reduction, strengthen, firm and tone muscles, cellulite improvement, and deep thermal heating. 

More truSculpt iD facts in this YouTube video

*Information contained in this truSculpt iD Report was taken exclusively from the manufacturer’s product website(s), for the purpose of serving as a resource material for aesthetic professionals. It is not intended to promote, criticize or otherwise comment on the device, and does not reflect the opinion(s) of the Body Contouring Academy.