Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts
This Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts Report has been compiled by the Body Contouring Academy using exclusively information found on the five randomly selected Amazon product sales sites. Links to these Amazon product sales sites are provided at the end of this report.
Note to readers about this Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts Report:
These machines are manufactured overseas and are essentially the same, but given different names, such as Whole Body Vibration Platform Training and Exercise Machine, Fitness Vibration Platform, Slim Full Body Vibration Trainer, and many others. For consistency and clarity, we use the name Whole Body Vibration Machine in our Report to describe and define all vibration machines.

Fat reduction
Weight loss
Muscle building, strengthening, and toning
Cellulite reduction
Mechanism of action
Vibration technology, with variable and adjustable intensities delivering both side-to-side and back-and-forth vibrations, which cause muscle contractions, increased circulation, and calorie expenditure.
How it works
Vibrates and oscillates, activating muscle fibers throughout the body. Treatment sessions (pre-programmed or manual) deliver low impact, high-frequency full body vibrations which produce involuntary muscle contractions 1000’s of time per minute, increasing circulation, burning calories and improving muscles.
FDA Cleared
No, these machines are manufactured overseas and promoted as fitness equipment with the additional benefits described in this Device Facts Report.
Fat destruction or fat cell breakdown
Burns calories, “targets” and “drops” body fat.
Areas of the body**
Full body.
**cleared for treatment as per Amazon sales sites Whole Body Vibration Machine facts

Treatment time
10 minute programs.
What should the patient expect during treatment
Patients should enjoy the treatment sessions.
# treatments needed
These Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts could not be located in any of the 5 Amazon product sales sites.
Treatment visit frequency
These Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts could not be located in any of the 5 Amazon product sales sites.
These Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts could not be located in any of the 5 Amazon product sales sites.
When to resume normal activities
These Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts could not be located in any of the 5 Amazon product sales sites.
When will results be seen
“You can begin to see results using 10 minutes 2-3 times a week.”
How long will results last
These Whole Body Vibration Machine Facts could not be located in any of the 5 Amazon product sales sites.
Marketing message for consumers/prospective patients
Burn fat & lose weight.
Increase muscle power.
Enhance toning & shaping.
Combat cellulite.
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Learn more Whole Vibration Machinen facts
*Information contained in this Whole Body Vibration Machine Report was taken exclusively from five randomly selected Amazon product sales sites (as these machines are manufactured overseas), for the purpose of serving as a resource material for aesthetic professionals. It is not intended to promote, criticize or otherwise comment on the device, and does not reflect the opinion(s) of the Body Contouring Academy.