Is starting a mobile body contouring business right for you?

The mobile body contouring business model has emerged as a very viable business model due to society’s demand for convenience and delivered services. Get the details on this model, learn how to set it up, price your services and more…all in this episode. Tune in.

Links mentioned in this episode. 

Body Contouring Academy Online Courses

The Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with Body Contouring Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass 

Resources and Studies cited: 


Imagine this. You have your own body contouring business. You didn’t have to sign a lease and you have no rent to pay. Or utilities. You have zero commuting time.  And you set your schedule. This is all possible when you set up a mobile body contouring business or any mobile personal services business for that matter.  If you’ve ever or even never thought about starting a mobile based business, now is just about the perfect time to do it.  Because society, worldwide, has become hyper-focused on convenience.   Click to buy, then await delivery to the door.  Telehealth doctor visits.  Online learning on laptops, no driving to the classroom.  PT, OT, fitness trainers in our living rooms. The list goes on. Find out if a mobile business model is right for you in our episode today.  We’re gonna give you the scoop, discuss the perks and also give you some considerations…so you can decide.  And this is the first of a three part series.  We’ll discuss a home-based business model next, and finish up with a lease space business model for those of you who are ready to go all out.  Today, how to set up a mobile based body contouring business.  So stay tuned and we’ll get started.

[intro music]


You’re listening to The Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast 

Where you’ll learn simple actionable strategies from real world successful body contouring professionals to help you generate more revenue, realize the profits you want and create the life you desire. 

Hi I’m Shannon and I’m Kay and we’re your hosts of The Proven Profits Podcast


Hi there healthcare professionals, business owners, body contouring technicians and beauty professionals! Welcome everyone! Kay here. Shannon and I want to thank you for being here too. 

So many people want to get started with their own body sculpting business but they don’t. Well if that’s you, it’s time to go for it and make it happen!  Consider a mobile body sculpting business model; it’s a great plan and it might be perfect for you.  It’s the least expensive, and lowest risk of all three body sculpting business models.  And with the modern day insistence for ‘convenience,’ so many consumers want, no they expect, services delivered to their homes.

Welcome to the first of a three part series brought to you by us, Body Contouring Academy. In each of our three podcast episodes, we will walk you through the steps to set up your first body sculpting business using one of the three business models.

And in each episode, we will take a deep dive into one particular business model.  Which will enable you to see which one is right for you! 

First up, today, is the 

Mobile body contouring business model.

Followed by our second episode of the series outlining the home-based body contouring business model.

And we’ll conclude our trio of business model episodes with the lease space or booth space body contouring business model.

In each episode is …

We’ll discuss the benefits and considerations AND

We’ll tell you how to get started 

And for all Body Contouring Academy students (current or former) we have a FREE business guide to go with the episode that’s available for download.  You can find it in the BCA Community resource library.


If you are not a student yet, we know what you’re thinking.  Bummer!  I want those guides.  Well…Check out how easy - and affordable it is to enroll in an online body contouring certification course and get access to all of the perks!  

We’ll leave a link in today’s show notes to view all of our current courses.

But a great way and the most affordable way to become a body contouring academy student is with our body contouring fundamentals course. It’s not only the best body contouring reference for your resource library and the course it’s only $49.  We’ll leave a link to that course in our show notes.

Now, let’s dive into the Mobile Body Contouring business model!

Bottom Line with a mobile business. As we mentioned in our intro, the huge shift to remote and convenience has created a high demand for mobile services delivered straight to the home.

Guys, we’ve changed so much and so rapidly over the past few years.  Worldwide, we’ve experienced a shift to working remotely, doctor visits via telehealth, online learning, getting groceries and food delivered, and we’ve seen an absolute boom in e-commerce buying.  Were you aware that today, just less than half of all consumers make their purchases inside an actual brick and mortar store. That means more than half want the convenience of home delivery and services.

The demand for services and products delivered ‘at the touch of the keypad’ is the new norm. 

You don’t find this surprising probably

And consistent with all of these changes, a growing number of consumers want their body contouring services delivered inside the convenience of their own home. 

This high demand is super significant, but it’s not just the high demand for home-delivered services that makes the mobile body sculpting business model a winner, there are several other advantages.

Let’s discuss them.  So what are the  Benefits of a Mobile Body Sculpting Business?

Low start-up costs

Regardless of the business model used, a huge advantage in body contouring is the relatively low cost of entry to start a career in body contouring.   That’s especially true for the mobile body sculpting business model.  A mobile biz is  certainly appealing because it has the lowest startup overhead of all the body sculpting business models.  

Maybe the biggest advantage is that with a mobile body sculpting business, you don’t have to sign a lease contract for a space you really can’t afford.  This is a big deal when you’re just starting out.  

Think about it.  While you’re building up a new business or practice, you may not have enough patient fees to cover rent and utilities, and you'll also have much less money left over for your salary.  You don’t have these worries in a mobile model because you don’t have those expenses with a mobile body contouring business. 


Flexible schedule with much more freedom

If you like your freedom and enjoy (or need) flexibility, a mobile body sculpting business may be a very good choice.  

You can schedule as many or as few appointments as you like.  

And if you want (or need) to work during certain hours, you can schedule your clients during those times.  

Bottom line.  You can set your own hours and manage your own schedule. 


You can charge more for services

With a mobile body contouring business, you have the ability to charge more even as you’re spending less.  

You can make more money working fewer hours because you can charge a premium.   We call it a ‘convenience premium,’ because of the time and travel it requires for you, and the convenience it affords for clients.

Most body contouring providers who offer mobile body sculpting services charge a ‘convenience fee’ above and beyond fees for service.  It’s not uncommon at all to see a $100 initial convenience fee with $50 convenience fees for every visit after the initial service.  Keep in mind that these are charges above and beyond what you charge for the treatment.  

Low overhead

The low overhead for a mobile body contouring business appeals to both new and veteran body contouring professionals.  Though you do have to pay for gas and automobile maintenance, the ongoing savings from rent and utilities can be significant.  

And without a physical location, you can easily scale up or down as it fits your circumstances.


The advantages of a mobile body contouring business are crystal clear, right?!.  

But…before you dive into this business model, you need to take these things into consideration

To see if a mobile business is right for you

Is a combination: Comfort, safety, collecting fees

The mobile body sculpting business requires an adaptable personality since your work setting (client’s homes) will be different each time.  

And you should also be a little on the adventurous side because of that needed flexibility.  You will not be working in a ‘controlled environment’ of your design as you would in a home-based business or a lease space business.  

You never know what to expect when you go to a new client’s home.  

One concern is the environment and your comfort level in performing treatments.  

Think about things like these:  Will the home be cramped, messy or noisy?  Will unsupervised children be present during the treatment?  Will the space allow for a therapeutic treatment?

You may want to include questions about the room your client plans to use in your intake paperwork.   

Next. Are you good with directions?  You’ll need to develop those skills because you’ll need to find the home and locate parking. 

The other concern is the client herself.  You will need to (1) weed out clients who are not serious, (2) make sure you collect for services, and (3) protect yourself from bad characters.  

Be certain to get a full name, phone number, email address and credit card information upon booking. 

 Either charge a non-refundable deposit (example: $100 or $50 - your convenience fee) that will be credited towards payment for services - or - collect payment in full up-front at the time of booking, and make it non-refundable if inadequate cancellation notice is given.  

And require intake paperwork to be completed and submitted to you prior to the appointment.  

Maybe you’re not sure which treatments to offer?  Technologies to use?  

Or what machines to buy?

The answers to those questions are different for each person.

We give you the info you need to make those determinations in our fundamentals course The Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with Body Contouring

We mentioned this course earlier.  We left a link to the course details in our show notes.

Environment and supplies   

You’ll need to be prepared and ready to go at all times.  Because in a mobile body sculpting business you will need to bring all of your equipment with you.  

This includes your treatment table, machine(s), and any supplies you may need.  

We recommend two other items: a bag on wheels to pack all of your supplies - and - a portable utility cart on which to place your machine(s) and supplies while in the client’s home.  

Next, we’re going to give you a supplies checklist for a mobile business.  You may want to just listen now and if you’re leaning into this model, go back and take notes.  

Mobile Business Supplies Checklist 

✅ Business Necessities

Credit card reader, i.e. Square Reader, to accept payments 

Treatment forms

Smart phone for re-booking 

✅ Marketing Materials

Business Signs for your vehicle 

Business cards

✅ Treatment Basics

Lightweight portable massage table

Small utility cart to hold machine and supplies

Machine(s) for treatment(s)

✅ Supplies 

Portable travel bag on wheels to load and transport supplies


Sanitary hand wipes

2-3 small pillows

2-3 small towels 

Extra pillowcases and towels

Smartphone or camera for photos

Measuring tape

Lightweight scales 

Unscented baby wipes for cleaning

CaviWipes or other EPA approved disinfectant for disinfecting

membranes ,etc Plastic garbage liner bags for dirty linen and trash

Treatment specific supplies:  ex: ultrasound gel, antifreeze

PRO TIP:  Travel with less!  Get certified and start your mobile body sculpting business with one machine that has the ability to treat multiple body concerns.  Take a look at our Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass where you can get certified in fat cavitation, radiofrequency (RF) skin tightening, vacuum/LED, and Lipo Laser  

We left a link in our show notes if you want the 6in1 Masterclass details

Scheduling appointments

➤ Both home-based and leased space body sculpting business models allow you to book clients back to back.  

➤ Not so for the mobile body sculpting business.  

➤ You need to allow time for travel and setup.  

➤ Make sure to adjust your schedule to allow enough buffer time and travel time in between appointments.

Setting your fees

We already touched on convenience fees.  But moving on the fees for services.  You should also charge more for mobile body sculpting services, but be deliberate in how you set your rates. 

It’s not double charging because convenience fees include what you need to collect for things like your travel, time and parking - or - you could charge an additional flat fee to cover travel, time and parking, something like $10, $15, $25 (your decision on the amount) additional travel charge depending on the distance, time and inconvenience.  

PRO TIP:  Whatever you choose, and not to give accounting advice, but be sure to keep a log of your travel mileage, because you can probably use it as a tax deduction.  

Well, what do you think?  Does a mobile body contouring business fit your needs?


You probably already know that consumer demand for non-invasive body contouring services (delivered via all three business models) has been growing rapidly for many years…with numbers predicted to continue growing. 

And due to the demand for ‘delivered services’ (brought about by the convenience mentality), the mobile body sculpting business model has emerged as a very viable business model.  


That’s why NOW is the perfect time to start a mobile sculpting business with its: 

High demand

Low start up costs and low operating costs

Higher fees and

Flexible scheduling.   

Is this the right one for you?  Are you ready to take the leap?  

If you haven’t already started with your body contouring education, 

Enroll in one of our online body contouring certification courses at the Body Contouring Academy to get started with body contouring education authored by experts and comprehensive resources.  

Then you’ll be more than ready to start the body sculpting business model that fits you best. 

That’s it for today.  Next up is Part Two of our three-part series…the Home Based Body Contouring Business Model!  

We hope to see you there! Beautiful wishes!



If you enjoyed our podcast, we’d really appreciate it if you take a few minutes to leave us a review. 

And, if you’d like to learn more about our courses and resources, you can get ALL the scoop by visiting our website,, that’s  

Thank you so much for listening.  As always, have a great rest of your day!  And until next time, Beautiful wishes!