Master the Number One Sales Secret and Become the Number One Provider: Follow Up made easy.

To grow and succeed in sales, you must embrace the art of follow up and become very skillful at it.  

In our previous episode, #021, we gave you the proven strategies you must use in building your follow up process. If you missed it, be sure to tune in so you have the foundation needed for this episode. We explained that most sales professionals have to work through some emotional barriers prior to developing the skill needed for follow up.

Developing and implementing a Follow Up Process based on proven principles will be a game-changer for you. If you follow up right, and follow up on a consistent basis, you’ll win big.  

Since 64% of businesses admit they don’t have any organized way to nurture unsold patients, and if you do have a system, you’ll be sure to be a top tier body contouring provider.  

We’re going to make it easy for you to do that. Today we will provide you with the essential elements we use in our medical spa in designing our follow up systems – our Immediate Follow Up System and our Long Term Follow Up System AND we’ll unveil our 30 day Model of Follow Up so you can put it to use in your practice immediately.  

Let’s start with the immediate action you need to take. Your Immediate Follow Up System should include some form of follow up the day of the unsold Consultation…the same day of the visit. We use and recommend using an email because we want to include several elements in our communication and it tends to be too long for text.  

These are the elements you should include in your “same day” follow up. You can follow these as steps.

Same Day Follow Up Communication Elements

  • Express your gratitude to the patient for her time spent.
  • This communication should feel personal. Make mention of the patient’s goals and concerns.
  • You should summarize your recommendations for her primary concern and your recommendations for all of her concerns.  
  • This communication should contain another pitch about why you are the best choice. 
  • You should advise the patient of the next steps.
  • End this communication with a call to action.

Be sure to tell the patient before she leaves your office that you’ll be sending this email and describe briefly what it will contain.

We recommend sending a short text message to the patient after you send the email. You could send a message like this.

“Hi Christie, this is Shannon at Sculpt Away. I just sent an email your way. You may need to check your spam folder too. We’ll talk again Thursday. Beautiful wishes!”

 Do you notice how she took this opportunity to remind the patient of the next step?  

The days immediately following the Consultation are the most crucial and can be the most productive. We recommend intense follow up within the first 21-25 days or so, which we refer to as Immediate Follow Up.  

The Unsold Consultation kicks it off. Day 1 of these 21 days is the day of the Consultation.

Here is our Immediate Follow Up Model.

We use a 5-6 Touch, 30 Day Model

Contact #1 is on Day 1. We send the email (& short text) that we just discussed.

Contact #2 is Day 2-3. We place a phone call & leave a voicemail if we did not reach the patient. We send a short text asking the patient to check her voicemail.

Contact #3 is Day 3-4. This contact comes into play if we did not reach the patient in Contact 2. If we spoke with the patient, we skip this step. Place a phone call & leave a voicemail if you do not reach and send a short text announcing the voicemail. 

Contact #4 is Day 8. We send a text asking if the patient is okay and citing the agreed upon next step.

Contact #5 is Day 14. We call the patient and leave a voicemail if we did not reach her. We send a short text announcing our voicemail.

Contact #6 is Day 20. We send a text asking the patient if she decided yet. This closes out our frequent and intense follow up process.  

We’ll move the patient to our Long Term Follow Up Model if she did not buy during this period.

Our Long Term Follow Up Model consists of varying forms of monthly contacts, calls, emails and texts. We also send monthly Nurturing Emails. We’ve talk about Nurturing  

Emails in our Episode #011. If you haven’t listened yet or need a review, take a look see.

Now a little bit about forms of contact – phone calls, texts and emails.

You should be using all three forms of contact but we have opinions on each.

Phone calls are our most preferred. Nothing comes close to a conversation with the patient.  

Text messages are good too because they have a 98% open rate, which beats both phone calls and texts.  

Finally, emails. The problems with emails:

  1.  They can get spammed and the patient will never see them
  2.  They can be overlooked; most people receive more than 50 emails a day
  3. The open rate runs only about 20%

All that being said, you should incorporate emails in the mix, especially when you want to include a lot of text.  

That brings us to your action step for this episode.

Action Step: Use the 5-6 Touch, 30 Day Immediate Follow Up Model that we provided and create your own Immediate Follow Up Model. Then, utilize the information we gave you about a Long Term Follow Up Model and create your own. Finally, implement both of these models in your practice and start following up and winning those unsold consultation patients now!  

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