4 Clear-Cut Ways to Achieve Insanely High Conversion Rates
Learn practical steps to execute insanely high conversion rates and make it easy to get a “yes” response to build your body contouring business. The show notes go even deeper and are located here: Read Full Transcript When your lawyer talks, you listen. When your pastor talks, you want to obey. When a police…
Multiply Your Profits Effortlessly Applying the Consistency Principle of Persuasion
Simple Steps to Send Sales Soaring
Learn 3 powerful but practical steps to use the Principle of Reciprocity to persuade patients to buy from you now and to keep them buying from you forever. The show notes go even deeper and are located here: Read Full Transcript There’s a real science to persuasion. Luckily, based on solid research, we know…
3 Ways to Use the Law of Reciprocity to Take Your Business to the Next Level
Learn 3 powerful but practical steps to use the Principle of Reciprocity to persuade patients to buy from you now and to keep them buying from you forever. The show notes go even deeper and are located here: Read Full TranscriptYou may not realize it but we’re all salespeople. We sell all the time. We’ve…
What to do when Callers Decline to Schedule that GUARANTEES They’ll Ultimately BUY FROM YOU
Shannon and Kay share their secret recipe to guaranteeing patients who call you but don’t schedule with you initially, will buy from YOU ultimately. The show notes go even deeper and are located here: Read Full TranscriptOn telephone calls, your Phone Team’s ultimate goal should always be to end each and every call with…