Show the World your Patients Love You by using this Proven Formula to Dramatically Increase your Reviews and Testimonials

If you’ve followed us at all, whether you’ve listened to our podcasts or taken one of our courses or you are an Academy member, you know we urge you to get as many positive reviews, testimonials and patient videos as you can get.

You want to show the world that you do excellent work, that your patients love their results and that your patients love you and your team.  

But often times, even though your patients are very happy, they have some hesitation and reluctance in going on video or even writing a review.  Does your team struggle with convincing patients to leave a review or provide a testimonial? What are some ways to convince your patients to help you out with their testimonial or review? 

We’ll answer all of these questions – and more – in this episode.  We’ll show you how to show the world your patients love you. Let’s dive on in.

First, you must know how to determine if the time is right to ask.  

Then, you have to take specific steps.    

So let’s start with how to identify when the time is right to ask and then take a look at some steps to get those reviews and testimonials.

First, you must be able to determine the right time, in other words, identify the right opportunity. 

How do you identify good opportunities for reviews and testimonials?

Opportunities present themselves in three ways.

  1. Can arise when you expect them
  2. Can arise unexpectedly
  3. You can strategically create them  


Let’s take a look at each of these individually.  

Opportunities that arise when you expect them

Look for these opportunities during visits that involve patients evaluating their progress. 

Follow Up Visits

  • Opportunity arises with patients very excited about reduction or other good results
  • Tell the patient how excited you are 
  • Ask her to share her story with a Video Testimonial…Now
  • In other words, get her while she is hot
  • These patients will be your very best opportunity to get video footage
  • If the patient wants to delay it to a later day “to look better,’ tell her it won’t take long and she looks beautiful
  • Ask her specifically, “Will you please do us this favor?”  

Remember the Principle of Commitment, wanting to stay true to previously held beliefs?  Put it into play here.  

The patient made a commitment to choose your facility for treatment, to choose a specific technology you offered for treatment and now she has good results.  She should want to do you a favor. It holds consistent with her previously stated commitments.

  • You should know  this. The patient’s excitement and enthusiasm wanes once she leaves your practice.  So if all fails, and she insists on coming back another day, offer her an incentive to return.  Make sure this incentive is customized to the patient’s goals.  
  • Also, make sure the patient knows you are blocking out a specific amount of time for her and that you will be waiting to see her back and will have her gift for her when she returns.  

These actions call into play the Principle of Reciprocity.  You are doing her a favor; thus, she’ll feel compelled to return with a favor for you.    

What about Opportunities that arise unexpectedly, during other visits or even during phone conversations?

  • May arise when chatting before, during or after a treatment
  • May arise when speaking to the patient over the phone
  • Usually arises when discussing the patient’s progress
  • Patient may be very happy with her progress, maybe she is fitting into clothes she hadn’t worn for years or her best friend noticed the changes in her body
  • Perfect opportunity to ask for a review or testimonial
  • Get her while she’s hot
  • Depending on how excited she is, she may agree to appear in video
  • Then follow the same steps in getting an agreement for the video or review as you did with follow up visits
  • If she declines the video, ask for written review and provide an incentive 

Expert Tip:  You will find it a lot easier to get agreement from the patient to appear in a video if your team has appeared in videos.  So make sure you have videos on your website, social media, and/or playing in your office featuring your team.   

The third way in which opportunities for reviews can arise is when you 

Strategically create Review Opportunities

You do this by 

  • Selecting patients whom you know are your fans
  • Send a text message to them asking them for a favor
  • Ask for the Review
  • Make it user-friendly – include a link
  • Tell them they can claim a reward for doing the favor
  • Give the patient 2 choices of rewards

We send texts to about 5 patients each week.  Overall, we have about a 40% – 50% cooperation rate.  We love their sincere, positive reviews. And the patients love their rewards. 

That brings us to our Action Step for this episode.  

Create a protocol that identifies review and testimonial opportunities and the steps your team should take with these opportunities.  Make it easy and use our steps.

That’s it for today.  Stay tuned and subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode.  

Bye for now from Kay and Shannon at the Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast. 

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