The pros and cons of a home-based body contouring business

Did you know that half of all small businesses are started at home? With lower start up and operating costs and super flexibility and convenience, the home-based body contouring business model might be ideal for you too. Find out in this episode as you discover the pros and cons of the home-based business…and get detailed steps to set it up. Tune in. 

Links mentioned in this episode. 

Why now is the best time to start a mobile body sculpting business

Body Contouring Academy’s Online Courses

The Comprehensive Guide to Getting Started with Body Contouring

Body Contouring 6-in-1 Masterclass

About the Body Contouring Academy

Resources and Studies cited:


How would you like to get a load of laundry done, get dinner started or prepare your grocery list all while you are “at the office?”  That’s all possible with a home based body contouring business.  Here’s a stat that should impress you.  The income produced by home based businesses in the US has grown by 230% in the last few years.  So if you like those numbers and you like to multitask and you like the idea of both low startup and operating costs, then running your business from the comfort of your own home may be the ideal choice for you. But just like anything else, it is not the right fit for everyone.  If you want to learn more about the home-based body contouring business model to see if it’s the right fit for you, you’ll find all the information you need in this episode. Listen in to get the details, learn how to set it up and discover the pros and cons of the home-based body contouring business model.  Stay tuned!

[intro music]


You’re listening to The Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast 

Where you’ll learn simple actionable strategies from real world successful body contouring professionals to help you generate more revenue, realize the profits you want and create the life you desire. 

Hi I’m Shannon and I’m Kay and we’re your hosts of The Proven Profits Podcast


Hi there healthcare professionals, business owners, body contouring technicians and beauty professionals!  Welcome everyone!   Kay here. Shannon and I want to thank you for being here too. 

Have you been wanting to get your body contouring business off the ground but somethings always holding you back?  Maybe it’s a concern about childcare or about money.  Maybe you feel you have too much else going on.  Well, we’re going to tell you something important.  There will never be a perfect time or even a right time.  But you can minimize your concerns by setting up a business in your home.  By providing care in a home-based body contouring business.  

Welcome to the second episode of our three episode series walking you through the steps to set up your body sculpting business using one of the three business models.

In each of the three episodes, we will take a deep dive into one particular business model.  So listen to each episode so you can see which one is right for you! 

In our last episode, we detailed the  

Mobile body contouring business model.

If you missed it, be sure to check it out.  We’ll leave a link to it in today’s show notes.

And today, we outline 

the home-based body contouring business model.

Next time we’ll conclude our trio of business model episodes

with the lease space or booth space body contouring business model.

In each of these episodes …

We’ll discuss the benefits and considerations AND

We’ll tell you how to get started 

And for all Body Contouring Academy students (current or former) we have a FREE business guide to go with the episode that’s available for download.  You can find it in the BCA Community resource library.


If you are not a student yet, you’re probably thinking…Bummer!  I want those guides.  Well…Check out how easy - and affordable it is to enroll in an online body contouring certification course and get access to all of the perks!  

We’re leaving a link that takes you to all of our current courses in today’s show notes.  So check it out. 

If you want to know a great way that is also the most affordable way to become a body contouring academy student is with our body contouring fundamentals course. It’s not only the best body contouring reference for your resource library and the course it’s only $49.  We’ll leave a link to that course in today’s show notes.

Now it’s time to dive into the Home-Based Body Contouring business model!

Home-Based Body Sculpting Business Model

You already know the demand for body contouring services is high and growing rapidly.  It’s a fact repeated by numerous sources time and again.  And it was stated again very recently in the context of body contouring certification courses.  And that was in the ultimate guide to body contouring certification courses.     

But pertinent to the home based body contouring business, of those growing numbers in body contouring, more and more of them prefer their care delivered in a home.  Does this fact surprise you…or not?

Either way, here’s something that should grab your attention.  

Within just the last few years, home-based business revenue has shot up by 230%.  Just so you know how significant this is, let’s look at a couple of examples.  

A 230% increase takes an annual income of $60,000 to $198,000. 

Sounds amazing to me. Those numbers are really hard to ignore.  

But besides the prospect of high profitability, the home-based body sculpting business has many other advantages…which we are discussing today. 

Question is, is it right for you?

Benefits of a Home-Based Body Sculpting Business

You don’t have to pay rent 

You already pay rent or a mortgage for your home.  And with a home-based body sculpting business you don’t have to commit to additional money on rent.  


The startup cost is lower

On that note, setting up your business and starting a home-based body sculpting business right out of your home significantly cuts the amount of money you will need to get started.  

For example, no additional expenses for rental deposits, utilities, phone services, commercial signage, etc. 

Here’s another example.  Most home-based businesses cost under five-thousand dollars to start. 

And…one half of all small businesses in the US are started at home.  Did you know that?

Moving on the number 3

Lower overhead, especially compared to a separate physical location like a lease space

The ongoing savings from rent, separate utilities and other expenses means a lot of savings over time.  

No commute means a savings of both time and money 

You won’t have any commuting expenses or spend your time commuting.  Your ‘office’ is steps away from your kitchen!  No extra spend on gas or auto maintenance.  And no added miles or wear and tear on your car.

 You have more control over your schedule

Maybe you need to see your clients when your kids are off at school?  Or when you have babysitter availability which may change from day to day?

Or perhaps you need the evenings or weekends after you get off from your day job?  

When you think about it, maybe it’s concerns like these that are the big reasons why women are more likely than men to have home-based businesses?  Makes sense, right?


Because with a home-based body sculpting business, you are free to set your appointment schedule according to your needs and your restrictions.  You are not at the mercy of lease space complex restraints or the boss’s schedule.


Here’s a biggee…  

You can multitask 

With a home-based body sculpting business, if you have gaps in your schedule you can get things done around the house.  A load of laundry?  Starting a meal in a crockpot?  All while you’re ‘at work?’  Not a problem with a home-based body sculpting business!

And when you can stay productive, even last-minute cancellations won’t be such a bother!  

That all sounds good.  But now, what steps do you need to take to start a home-based body contouring business?

Here’s how to prepare for a home-based body sculpting business

First, this is very important.

Create a designated, private space apart from your personal space

If you want to build a big client base and a profitable home-based body sculpting business, you will need to set up a designated, private space in your home.  

Supplies and Machines

And you’ll need to set your room up with all the necessary supplies and equipment.  

Here’s a checklist to get you started.  It’s probably a good idea to just listen now and then if you’re leaning into this model, go back, listen again and take notes.  

Home-based body sculpting business supply checklist


✅ Credit card reader, i.e. Square Reader, to accept payments 

✅ Treatment forms

✅ Smart phone for re-booking 


✅ Sign at the entrance to your studio or out front

✅ Business cards

✅ Frames to hang your Certification(s)


✅ Lightweight portable massage table

✅ Sheets or table paper

✅ Small utility cart to hold machine and supplies

✅ Machine(s) for treatment(s)


✅ Chair and end table or coffee table for your client(s)

✅ Gloves 

✅ Sanitary hand wipes

✅ 2-3 small pillows

✅ 2-3 small towels 

✅ Extra pillowcases and towels

✅ Smartphone or camera for photos

✅ Measuring tape

✅ Lightweight scales for tracking weight

✅ Unscented baby wipes for cleaning clients after treatment

✅ CaviWipes or other EPA approved disinfectant for disinfecting

✅ Treatment specific supplies:  ex: ultrasound gel, antifreeze membranes, etc.

✅ Small trash can and plastic garbage liner bags and container to hold soiled linen


✅ Fragrance, i.e. essential oils, aromatherapy

✅ Music or sound, relaxing and soothing sounds

If you have concerns about limited space for your biz

Choose machines that deliver multiple technologies and have the ability to treat multiple issues. 

That means less space for fewer machines.

 Like the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine.

We recommend our Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass.  

Because you’ll learn and get certified in: 


RF Skin Tightening


Lipo Laser 

Which means you’ll be able to help clients with:

Fat Reduction

Skin Tightening

Cellulite Smoothing

Stretch Mark Minimizing

All with one machine!

We put a link to the course in today’s show notes, so you can get all the details.

Next up we have some Organizational tips for your body contouring studio 

First, as always, you must

Make a great first impression

Studies show that clients form a first impression in just 1-7 seconds, so you need to pay attention to the details…the entrance, the way your room smells, how the lighting appears, whether it’s cluttered or neat and whether it appears as a professional setup

Include calming colors to promote relaxation, a comfortable chair, and a space to set belongings

Declutter, hide and organize

Cleanliness and organization conveys your professionalism.  Make sure your supplies are stored neatly within your utility cart or cabinet 

Prioritize client comfort

Add relaxing music and pleasing fragrance

There are other considerations for your home-based body sculpting business

Do you have accessible parking for your clients?

Will anyone else be at your home, i.e. family member, roommate, etc., while you are serving your clients, and if so, what measures will you take to ensure your client’s privacy?  And that your client feels safe and secure?

Do you or will you have a dedicated restroom for your clients?

Set boundaries and rules

All clients need to view your body sculpting studio as a business, with business rules and boundaries, even though it is within your home.  So make sure you set them and enforce them. 

Remember, you will see both established and new clients in your home-based body contouring business.  

But at first, each and every one of your new clients is a new client and a ‘stranger entering your home.’  

So take these steps with new clients:

Make sure to get a full name, phone number, email address and credit card information upon booking. 

Do one of these two things: charge a non-refundable deposit (example: $50) that will be credited towards payment for services - or - collect payment in full up-front at the time of booking, and make it non-refundable if inadequate cancellation notice is given.  

And require intake paperwork to be completed and submitted to you prior to the appointment so you know about the client before she arrives.

You need to think about 

Setting your fees

Be realistic when setting your fees.  Clients pay for the entire treatment experience, from the environment to the conversation.  So you want to ensure your clients will be getting the same entire treatment experience at your home-based body sculpting business as they would at a high-end spa.  

Many providers who have started with a home-based business started with lower fees at the beginning and worked their way up as they built a reputation.  Or you can price your services with “regular fees” that are higher than you would charge, and offer discounts like Introductory discount, grand opening discount, VIP specials, etc.  That gives you some leeway to go up when the time is right.

Bottom line.  You can change your prices.  FIRST, focus on building loyalty, a good reputation, and a big client base, then you can increase your prices and elevate your profits.  


Investigate legalities

Finally, make sure you’ve checked for restrictions and requirements for your home-based body sculpting business.  Consider zoning issues, HOA restrictions, extra homeowners insurance coverages that might be required, and business insurance.

So you’ve heard the pros and the cons…

Is the home-based body sculpting business model right for you? 

One of the biggest questions entrepreneurs have to answer when starting a body sculpting business is where to locate it.  Why not within your own home?

Right now, the demand for home-based services actually exceeds supply. 

And with a business in your home, you’ll enjoy 

Low expenses

High profit potential

Super flexibility

Low overhead 

The big question today is…if the home-based model is right for you, 

Are you ready to start a successful home-based body sculpting business?  

To get ready, make sure you have the credentials you need.

Enroll in one of our online body contouring certification courses at the Body Contouring Academy to get started with courses authored by body contouring business experts 


At the Body Contouring Academy, you’ll get access to comprehensive resources, including the Home-Based Body Sculpting Business Guide in the BCA Community Resource Library.

That’s it for today.  Make sure to stay tuned for Part Three of our series in which we detail the Body Sculpting Business within a Lease Space or Leased Booth!  

We’ll see you then! Beautiful Wishes!



If you enjoyed our podcast, we’d really appreciate it if you take a few minutes to leave us a review. 

And, if you’d like to learn more about our courses and resources, you can get ALL the scoop by visiting our website,, that’s  

Thank you so much for listening.  As always, have a great rest of your day!  And until next time, Beautiful wishes!