Body contouring treatments that are ‘secret’ multitasking moneymakers
How would you like to return emails, set up rooms and answer phones at the same time you’re performing a body contouring treatment? And we don’t mean by cloning yourself. The secret is using the multitasking moneymakers…‘Set It and Exit’ treatments. Listen to this episode to learn what Set It and Exit treatments are and how to implement…
How to take fat reduction to the next level and dominate your market
Fat reduction treatments are popular for good reason. They work. But to take your business to the next level, you need to go beyond meeting inch loss expectations and delight your clients with supercharged results instead. In this episode, learn how we did just that and have dominated our market for the past eight years…then use our methods…
Not all leads are good: how to attract good leads that will convert to paying customers
Ignore statistics when you’re evaluating the quality of lead generation. More leads does not always mean more money. Lead quality counts. Unqualified leads and leads that are way off your target market will never amount to a payday. In today’s episode learn the marketing tactic we used and how we used it to build our 7-figure business. Why? It practically…
A 20-minute guide to a money-making marketing channel mix for your body contouring business
There’s high demand for body contouring. But there’s also more competition. Which means you have little room for error in your marketing plan. In this episode, we discuss (1) your marketing channel and advertising options and (2) give you our proven body contouring marketing channels mix, in an easy to implement step-by-step format. Marketing course link mentioned in…
The foundational marketing moves made by the most successful body contouring business owners
Discover the foundational marketing steps that most small businesses fail to take…but the most successful businesses do. Whether you’re a brand new body contouring business or you’ve been in business for years, if you apply what you will learn in this episode you are practically guaranteed to send your sales soaring. Course link mentioned in…