Cavitation treatment series: how many treatments should you recommend?

Do you find that you’re recommending the same number of cavitation treatments again and again? In this episode, learn how to determine the unique number of cavitation treatments needed to deliver each patient’s desired results every time. Hint: That number is different for every patient. Tune in now!   Links mentioned in this episode. Body Contouring 6-in-1 Masterclass Considerations…

Launching body contouring: the fundamentals

Launching body contouring?  Expertise in fundamentals is the number one predictor of business success. How secure are you with your knowledge of the body contouring fundamentals?  This episode breaks down the 12 major non-invasive body contouring technologies, the 3 levels of body contouring machines and the 8 body concerns that bring clients to your door.…

Why we have three vacuum therapy machines in our med spa

Investing in trendy technologies involves crossing your fingers in hopes they have stay-power. Whereas it’s always smart to invest in a ‘sure bet technology’ with a long track record of success. Vacuum therapy leads the category of ‘sure bets.’ Tune in to this episode to find out why we keep three of these machines busy every day!  Links…

Body contouring treatments that are ‘secret’ multitasking moneymakers

How would you like to return emails, set up rooms and answer phones at the same time you’re performing a body contouring treatment? And we don’t mean by cloning yourself. The secret is using the multitasking moneymakers…‘Set It and Exit’ treatments. Listen to this episode to learn what Set It and Exit treatments are and how to implement…

How to take fat reduction to the next level and dominate your market

Fat reduction treatments are popular for good reason. They work. But to take your business to the next level, you need to go beyond meeting inch loss expectations and delight your clients with supercharged results instead. In this episode, learn how we did just that and have dominated our market for the past eight years…then use our methods…