The fitness trainer’s business building secrets of vibration technology

A variety of professionals use non-invasive body contouring equipment to improve their patient’s or client’s lives.  Fitness trainers are the latest to jump on board.  In this episode, learn how whole body vibration therapy, when used in conjunction with an exercise regimen, is a secret weapon for building a fitness trainer’s business because it speeds up and enhances fitness results and makes clients deliriously happy. Tune in!    

Links mentioned in this episode 

Whole body vibration therapy online body sculpting course

Whole body vibration machine on Amazon

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A growing number of professionals of completely different disciplines are using non-invasive body contouring technologies to deliver results.  Add to those numbers, fitness trainers.  Fitness trainers in the know are embracing the benefits that non-invasive body contouring technologies deliver to their fitness clients.  And you know when you think about it, fitness trainers help clients do the same thing body contouring professionals do…and that’s sculpt bodies.  The difference being body contouring professionals sculpt with treatments, therapies and technologies…and fitness trainers use exercise modalities…but they can use some of the same technologies that body contouring professionals use in combination with their exercise regimens.  And when they do this, they greatly accelerate and enhance fitness results for their clients. And in today’s episode, we’re discussing how one body contouring technology in particular, is beneficial for fitness trainers because it’s a fitness accelerator. So stay tuned as we discuss how fitness trainers can use whole body vibration therapy to accelerate results, enhance results, and also make more money.

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You’re listening to The Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast 

where you’ll learn simple actionable strategies from real world successful body contouring professionals to help you generate more revenue, realize the profits you want and create the life you desire. 

Hi I’m Shannon and I’m Kay and we’re your hosts of The Proven Profits Podcast


Hi there healthcare professionals and business owners!  Kay here.  Shannon and I thank you for being here with us.

So fitness trainers, here’s a problem you already know too well.  People want to get fit as fast and easy as possible.  Another problem you must deal with.  They also have a lot of options.  Many fitness trainers to choose from.  And most fitness trainers solve the same or similar problems for their clients, and deliver the same or similar training regimens for those problems.   

So…you need to make your training as fast and easy as possible AND you need a way to set yourself apart. Your prospect clients need a reason to choose you instead of one of your competitors.  

Well…what if you deliver great results faster and easier…using proven technology to get those results? That’s the ticket.  That would not only give them what they want, it would also set you apart. 

The technology we’re speaking about is vibration therapy.  And the good news is that it won’t cost you an arm and a leg.  It’s actually very affordable, easy to learn, super enjoyable for your clients, and importantly, it’s been proven effective by a ton of research studies.  

Let’s look at who else is using vibration therapy and how they are using the technology

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So let’s start with Healthcare professionals, like physicians, chiropractors and physical therapists.  They use vibration therapy to

Improve muscle strength and physical performance in older patients   

Treat osteoporosis  Reduce back pain

Boost neurological functioning

Improve musculoskeletal health

Upgrade balance and coordination

And what about body contouring, beauty, and med spa professionals?  They use vibration therapy to

Promote lymphatic flow and stimulate lymphatic drainage

Boost fat loss and enhance weight loss

Reduce and smooth cellulite

Increase metabolism

As a means to combat osteoporosis

Assist in increasing muscle mass

So…we know you want to know.  What can whole body vibration therapy (WBVT) do for your fitness clients?

Well…it does a lot for your fitness clients.

But before we dive into all of these benefits, Shannon has a brief message for us



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Back to the benefits for your fitness clients.

As you’ve just  learned, Vibration therapy delivers many types of benefits - several of which are particularly helpful for fitness clients.  

In fact, there is a growing body of research that demonstrate the workout-enhancing benefits of vibration therapy:

Enhanced fitness results in less time

This is what your clients want!  

Studies have shown that WBVT sessions mimic the result of exercising on both muscles and bone.   

And…Incorporating a WBVT session into your fitness routines takes little time and effort away from your clients while adding immense returns. 

Reduce ‘stress weight gain’ by decreasing cortisol levels

Prevent your clients from gaining ‘stress weight’ as you work to get them in shape.  


Keep cortisol levels at bay with vibration therapy to prevent added weight. 

Enhance weight loss + boost abdominal fat reduction

Did you know you can Increase your client’s energy expenditure by twenty percent when exercising?

A study looking into the metabolic effect of vibration therapy found that 20-minute sessions on the vibration platform during  fitness workout increased metabolic expenditure by twenty percent.  

Increase calorie burn and help your clients trim down simply by incorporating a short and easy 20-minute vibration therapy session.

Improve muscle strength

Vibration technology causes your client’s muscles to contract 30X each second, so of course your clients gain muscle strength.

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A  20-minute vibration therapy session is an easy way to help your clients build muscle.  

Pretty amazing, right?  Now that you know the benefits, exactly what is vibration therapy? And how does vibration therapy technology work?.   

Whole body vibration therapy (WBVT) is a passive exercise therapy in which your client stands on a vibration platform that engages up to 98% of their muscle fibers with rapid up-and-down, side-to-side and back-and-forth motions, generating forces from 1G to 6G upon the body.  Most vibration platform machines come pre-programed with 10 to 20 minute programs and also offer a custom option.

A whole body vibration therapy machine/platform works in three ways:

FORCE (Gravity)

The whole body vibration machine generates forces upon the body from 1G to 6G’s, depending on the amplitude and frequency of the settings used.  Put simply, the machine increases the amount of gravity working against your client’s body.  

Breaking down the benefits of vibration therapy, studies show the FORCE of the vibration machine:  

Builds muscle

Increases bone mass 

Increases lymphatic function 

Strengthens the cardiovascular system   



When your clients stand on the vibration platform, nearly every muscle is forced to react in continuous flows of micro-adjustments, contracting and relaxing rapidly and repeatedly.

Vibration therapy platforms can engage up to 98% of your client’s muscle fibers, producing fitness rewards in a short amount of time.  

Breaking down the benefits of vibration therapy, studies show it’s the direction of the the MUSCLE MICRO-ADJUSTMENTS that provides distinct benefits:

The up-and-down motion improves your client’s muscle tone.  

The side-to-side and front-to-back  motion improves your client’s balance and coordination.  


The rapid-firing of your client’s muscles causes a neuromuscular response that flows through the entire body.  

This causes multiple beneficial physiological improvements…the reasons so many different types of  professionals - physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, body contouring technicians and fitness trainers - use it for their clients/patients. 

Vibration therapy research findings of interest to fitness trainers

We mentioned earlier about the plethora of research proving the benefits of vibration technology.  Scientific research on the effects of Vibration Therapy has been conducted for many years and continues to be performed around the world.  And it’s clear from the research findings that integrating vibration therapy into your training regimen is the answer for setting yourself apart from the competition and to make more money as a fitness trainer.

Here’s some of the research highlights relevant to fitness trainers:

Weight control, fat loss and metabolism

Research published in Science Daily tells us that whole body vibration therapy is 54% more effective than aerobics and strength training in causing visceral fat reduction.  

Other studies have shown the participants using the whole body vibration machine were less likely to gain weight.

A recent study found that young men who underwent several whole body vibration therapy sessions saw an increase in their resting metabolic rate.  

Athletic performance

Research reported in PubMed cited evidence that whole body vibration therapy improves muscle activity, strength and power, and is beneficial as a warm-up procedure for enhancing athletic performance.    

And it was found in a separate study that whole body vibration therapy improves flexibility in female athletes.

Are you convinced?  

Are you considering doing it?  Integrating whole body vibration therapy into your fitness regimens?

We make it easy for you.

We offer a Whole Body Vibration Therapy Course

It’s affordable at $99 course and in the course you 

⇨ Get the history and science of vibration therapy technology

⇨ Learn the contraindications 

⇨ Prove expertise by earning your certification in vibration technology

Plus! Get the forms you need to get started!

Use our Consent Form as your Release

Use our Treatment Form to record the sessions

⇨ And adapt our Med Spa Walk-in Protocol to meet your Fitness Training needs

So if you want to learn more, you can get the details about the Vibration Therapy course by using the link to the course which we have left for you in our show notes.  

And if you want to look at a vibration machine, we’re also leaving a link in today’s show notes to the Whole Body Vibration Platform we’ve used in our medical spa for going on ten years.  We keep two of them busy!  

We’re sure you can see that by incorporating vibration therapy into your training regimen, you’ll set yourself apart AND you’ll meet the demands of most fitness clients who seek fast and convenient ways to achieve their fitness goals.  

And we think it’s pretty much a no brainer.

Vibration therapy is an easy to addition to your fitness regimens:

The vibration platform machine is not pricey - it fits into just about any budget. 

You can use our $99 online course to get started with confidence.  It’ll make it easy for you to incorporate whole body vibration therapy into your fitness programs. 

Get started integrating vibration therapy into your fitness regimens today, set yourself apart, get clients great results fast and easy, earn the reputation as an expert and watch your income grow.

That’s it for today.  Until next time, Beautiful Wishes.



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Thank you so much for listening.  As always, have a great rest of your day!  And until next time, Beautiful wishes!