Why cryolipolysis protocols are so-designed and what can happen if you deviate

Clients want good results… fast. But when is it in their best interest to tweak your non-invasive body contouring protocols in an effort to deliver that? In this episode, we examine that question in the context of cryolipolysis. Listen as we give you our expert opinion, and tell you why.

Links mentioned in this episode. 


Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Certification Course  

Whole Body Vibration Therapy Online Body Sculpting Course 

Pressotherapy Body Contouring Course

Links and Studies















Who out there has wondered if you could get either better or faster results by switching something up in your body contouring protocols?  Or maybe I should say who has not thought about that.  We know you have because we've heard from so many of you who've come up with ideas of your own and bounced them off us.  The protocols we teach have years of track records, both in efficacy and with safety.  So the question is …when is it okay to bend those protocols that have been proven effective and also safe?  That is the topic we’re examining today as we dive into it as it relates to Cryolipolysis (fat freezing) treatments. Is it okay to perform a repeat cryolipolysis treatment sooner than 6 weeks?   In today’s episode, we’ll give you our expert opinion…after we lay out the facts about Cryolipolysis technology and treatments, as well as the reasons for the Cryolipolysis protocol designs.   And after that we’ll explain how you can both safely and effectively give your patients fantastic Cryolipolysis fat reduction as quickly as possible.   Stay tuned to hear this important episode.

[intro music]


You’re listening to The Body Contouring Academy’s Proven Profits Podcast 

Where you’ll learn simple actionable strategies from real world successful body contouring professionals to help you generate more revenue, realize the profits you want and create the life you desire. 

Hi I’m Shannon and I’m Kay and we’re your hosts of The Proven Profits Podcast


Hi there healthcare professionals, business owners, body contouring technicians and beauty professionals!  Welcome everyone!   Kay here. Shannon and I want to thank you for being here too!

It’s safe to say that we’re all in this line of work because we love helping people (our clients) and making them happy.  Our clients want results, whether it’s slimming, sculpting, toning, smoothing or tightening.  And pretty universally, once they’ve finally made their decision, they want those changes fast. But because of the way our treatments work, results are gradual and most often take up to several weeks.  We don’t like seeing our clients frustrated with the progress, so we sometimes come up with ideas wondering if they’ll speed up the process. That means you care!

But should you change, add to or otherwise deviate from proven protocols in that process of caring,  Is this something that is in the best interest of your client?  

In today’s episode, we’re walking you through the process to answer if it's in your client’s best interest…in the context of cryolipolysis (fat freezing) treatments.  We’ll be examining the implications of performing a second or repeat treatment sooner than 6 weeks.  

We’re gonna give you our opinion based on our twenty years experience.  AFTER we lay out the facts about Cryolipolysis technology and treatments, as well as the reasons for the designs of the Cryolipolysis protocols.  Why they are the way they are.

And because we know you want the best for your clients, we’ll end this episode by telling you what to do to get the fastest and most superior fat reduction results. Things we’ve done to help our clients, build our reputation and grow our businesses.   

Well let’s get this show on the road.

To start, and to understand cryolipolysis protocols, you must first understand Cryolipolysis technology and treatments 

How does the Cryolipolysis (fat freezing) technology reduce fat?

It’s been seventy-five years since medical experts first recognized that fat cells are more susceptible to damage from cold temperatures than any other cells in the body.  

And it’s this principle that serves as the foundation for Cryolipolysis (fat freezing) technology…which was first introduced in 2010…with a machine of a familiar name, Coolsculpting. 

Focusing back to cryolipolysis technology.  How does a Cryolipolysis treatment reduce fat?

2 steps

First step

The Cryolipolysis treatment itself (that 30-60 minute treatment): Fat Cell Destruction

Cryolipolysis technology delivers freezing cold temperatures that cool the treatment area to 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius).  

To fully appreciate the amount of cooling involved in a Cryolipolysis treatment, keep in mind that surface skin temperature runs between 92 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit.   That’s a drop of more than 50 degrees!

During the treatment, fat cells in the treatment area are damaged by the Cryolipolysis controlled cooling and start dying, a process called apoptosis.  

Meanwhile, the surrounding tissue in the treatment area (skin, muscle, blood vessels, etc.) are left unharmed from the freezIng cold temperatures of the Cryolipolysis fat freezing treatment.

Second step

After the Cryolipolysis treatment: Fat Elimination Process 

Treatment is over.  It’s all up to your client’s body now.

Inflammatory Response

The body reacts to the Cryolipolysis treatment with a local inflammatory response, sending white blood cells to the treatment area to assist in dispersing the damaged/dying fat cells and ‘rescuing’ the body from a perceived harm.

Studies show that inflammation is a positive thing, as it contributes to better body contouring results.  

Lymphatic Detox Process

The lymphatic system goes into action initiating the natural process of eliminating the soon-to-be dead fat cells and other debris from the body.  

But this process takes time.

The lymphatic elimination process takes a minimum of 6-8 weeks.  

With most patients, it’s not until three to four months (12-16 weeks) before all the debris from the treatment is completely cleared from the body and the reduction and consequent slimming in the treatment area is fully realized. 

Quick question before we move on.

You are taking the time to learn from this episode…

So we're thinking your goal is to become an expert in Cryolipolysis (fat freezing)?  

Well…you can fast track that goal!  

We offer in-depth online Cryolipolysis certification course  

In the course, we share our knowledge, protocols, consent forms, plus insider tips and more!

You can take a look at the course details if you want.  We left a link to it in today’s show notes. 

Okay, so let’s get back on it.

How many Cryolipolysis treatments are needed?

So the first question that comes up

Will you need to perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment?  

It depends (don’t you love that answer?) But no, seriously, 

Whether you need to perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment depends on 

(1) the amount and location of fat in your patient’s problem area;

(2) how much reduction was seen from the initial treatment; 

(3) your patient’s goals.  

1-3 treatments is most common, but every client is different.  

Your client should make the decision to retreat (or not) at her Cryolipolysis follow up visit, which should be scheduled between 12-16 weeks post treatment.

Speaking of whether your client needs another treatment or not, 

When will your client see results from a Cryolipolysis treatment? 

This is when you get to clients starting to get impatient…waiting to see reduction.  

When results start to show can vary greatly from client to client.  

Remember, the reduction happens gradually as dead fat cells and other debris are expelled from the body. Most patients can start to see some change at about 4-6 weeks post treatment.

However, full or final results from the Cryolipolysis treatment most often takes 12-16 weeks, BUT can take up to 6 months or more in some patients.  

Which brings us to…

What is the recommended time period to perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment…and why?

There are two reasons why we recommend waiting to perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment until 6 weeks or longer:

The inflammatory process brought about by the treatment. 

⇨ You need to allow the body to calm down, heal and return to a normal state. 

Allow time for the skin to recover.

Allow time for the swelling to go down.

Allow time for the discomfort to resolve.

There is still some inflammation and swelling up to 6 weeks post-treatment (though the patient may not always perceive it)  You don’t want to rush the inflammatory process.  Remember, inflammation leads to better results. 

⇨ So…Inflammation is one reason why you should allow at least 6 weeks for full recovery before you perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment.  

The body needs time to eliminate all the fat cells that the initial treatment destroyed.

It takes about two weeks for the fat cells to go through the process of apoptosis and die.  After that it takes several weeks (12-16 weeks) for the body to completely metabolize and eliminate them.

If you perform a second Cryolipolysis treatment sooner than 6 weeks, you will be freezing over dead fat cells.  Your patient will not receive the benefit of an effective treatment.

⇨Treating over dead fat cells that have not yet been eliminated from the body is another 

reason not to perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment sooner than 6 weeks.  

Thus the big question is…

What can happen if you perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment sooner than 6 weeks?

You can cause physical harm to the patient by creating inflammation over inflammation.

That repeat treatment could very likely result in an ineffective treatment = treating over dead fat cells and uncleared debris, and not penetrating to the untreated fat cells.  

You will likely be wasting your patient’s money with

An ineffective treatment 

A treatment that may not even be necessary (your patient has not yet realized full reduction from the treatment)

And…you may lose your patient’s trust and confidence.

But you may be wondering…

What about treating a different area?  

How soon can you perform another Cryolipolysis treatment…but to a different area? 

This is different.  Second areas are generally okay to treat within the 6 week post-Cryolipolysis period (or even the same day as the initial Cryolipolysis treatment), with one caveat, which we discuss in just a bit.

Here’s how treating a second area differs from retreating to the same area…

There are NO CONCERNS with inflammation over inflammation 

You can treat a second area within the 6 week period and avoid the risk of producing inflammation over inflammation at the same site. 

There are NO CONCERNS with treating over dead fat cells

There are no dead fat cells in a new area.  You can avoid the risk of treating over dead fat cells,   

BUT there ARE CONCERNS with the lymphatic system elimination time…and here’s why

Even when performing a second Cryolipolysis treatment to a different area, your patient still has just one lymphatic system.  And that lymphatic system is already working harder than normal to clear the fat cells from the first treatment. 

The answer to whether your patient’s lymphatic system can handle this ‘double-elimination’ brought about by the second Cryolipolysis treatment requires careful assessment of each individual patient and her lifestyle so as to determine lymphatic function health.  

And as you might guess, when it comes to non-invasive fat reduction (including Cryolipolysis) boosting lymphatic function is THE key to optimal (and even accelerated) fat reduction results.  



For best Cryolipolysis fat reduction results, add lymphatic booster treatments after Cryolipolysis treatment sessions.

We preach about it all the time.  And Here’s why…

Fat cell destruction is not enough.  Fat cell elimination is necessary.

Now…Cryolipolysis technology is not alone in requiring healthy lymphatic function to eliminate the dead fat cells and debris from the treatment.

That’s how all non-invasive fat reduction technologies work.  

These technologies damage or kill fat cells in the treated area and then rely on the patient’s lymphatic system to process, mobilize and remove the destroyed fat cells and other debris from the body.  

Final Results are seen only after the elimination process is complete, and not before.

That’s why you should…

Support your patient’s lymphatic system with Lymphatic Booster treatments

And here’s why…

The Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system eliminates waste, toxins and excess fluids from the body.

Cryolipolysis treatments add to the workload by leaving behind dead fat cells and other debris, which the lymphatic system must remove.

And for healthy lymphatic function, here’s the deal.  The lymphatic system has no pump and relies on movement by the body to move the waste along. 

But that’s not all it needs.  

Here’s a summary of what your client needs for healthy lymphatic function:

Movement, i.e. exercise, how many regularly exercise?

Water (hydration), most of us do not drink enough water

Low stress levels, kinda unheard of these days

Proper Nutrition, eating on the go, junk food, fast food…not proper nutrition

And the problem is…

As we went down the list, you can see that Most patient’s lifestyles work against all of the needs of the lymphatic system..

Thus the need to provide Lymphatic Booster Treatments.  

Incorporating lymphatic booster treatments help you deliver the best results. Which is the very reason that the most successful body contouring professionals incorporate lymphatic booster treatments into their fat reduction protocols!  

What are lymphatic booster treatments?

As you might guess, Lymphatic boosters are treatments that boost the lymphatic system by promoting healthy lymphatic function.                                  

They enhance lymphatic flow by increasing both blood and lymphatic circulation.  

And here are two of our favorites.

Whole Body Vibration Therapy (Vibration Therapy)

This passive exercise therapy that increases blood and lymphatic circulation via intense (but comfortable) muscle contractions. 

Patients stand on the vibration platform for a short 10 minute program and enjoy ‘getting their exercise’ in an effortless and enjoyable way.  

We encourage you to add Vibration Therapy to your business and to your Cryolipolysis protocols.

You can do it easily.

We offer an online Vibration Therapy certification course

It includes the…Systems ** Tools ** Forms ** Protocols…you need! 

If you want to take a look at it, we have left a link to the course in our show notes 

And the second, 

Pressotherapy (Intermittent CompressionTherapy)

This computer-controlled compression therapy system utilizes inflating pumps within a bodysuit worn by your patient.   

It applies intermittent pressure to the patient’s body stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation.  

The treatment feels like a soothing massage and patients enjoy the feeling of being pampered.  

We encourage you to consider adding Pressotherapy to your business and your Cryolipolysis protocols!

We also offer an online Pressotherapy certification course

It includes the…Systems ** Tools ** Forms ** Protocols…you need! 

If you'd like to get more information on this course, check our show notes for the link.

Today’s episode really all boils down to this.

Cryolipolysis is a powerful fat reduction treatment as are all non-invasive body contouring treatments.  

You can see It is essential to follow the established protocols to ensure optimal results. They are proven.  Altering a protocol takes not only expertise, but lots of time with many trials to prove its efficacy and safety.

You’ve learned that when you perform a repeat Cryolipolysis treatment before the recommended 6 week mark, you can harm the client and hinder the body’s natural fat elimination process which may very well lead to subpar outcomes. 

So instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, focus on enhancing the body’s lymphatic function with lymphatic booster treatments such as Vibration Therapy or Pressotherapy.

With lymphatic booster treatments, you can accelerate and optimize fat reduction results safely and effectively with Cryolipolysis or any other fat reduction technology like cavitation or lipo laser.

And by adhering to these practices, you can deliver exceptional results and maintain your clients’ trust and satisfaction. 

Thanks again for listening.  That’s it for today.  Until next time, Beautiful wishes!



If you enjoyed our podcast, we’d really appreciate it if you take a few minutes to leave us a review. 

And, if you’d like to learn more about our courses and resources, you can get ALL the scoop by visiting our website,  bodycontouringacademy.com, that’s bodycontouringacademy.com.  

Thank you so much for listening.  As always, have a great rest of your day!  And until next time, Beautiful wishes!