What are the five categories of wellness services to add to your business?

woman pointing to graphics representing five categories of wellness services

We’ve all watched the wellness industry explode, with a 7.3% annual growth rate expected from 2023 – 2028.   And with this shift in consumer demand to improving the ‘whole self,’ consumers are expecting wellness services to be included with their beauty, body and medical care.  It’s this demand for wellness services that has gifted personal…

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6 Essential ingredients of topical fat reduction products 

ingredients of topical fat reduction products

Topical fat burners with the right ingredients work to optimize and accelerate results of non-invasive body contouring treatments.  Moreover, the right combination of these ingredients make targeted fat reduction at home also possible, and should be included as part of a comprehensive body contouring protocol.   Choose a product line scientifically formulated by body contouring…

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