How to make sure your clients never feel ‘sold to’

In the aesthetics industry, we’re in the business of making others feel better about themselves. Selling is about meeting our client’s needs and solving our client’s problems. As such, we must optimize our ability to problem solve by use of the Consultative Selling methodology.
The Consultative Sales Process = Solutions Based Selling
The Consultative Sales Process compels us to focus on what our client feels, sees, and hears during her interactions with us, our team, and our business. It’s a practice that prioritizes relationships and dialogue so we can uncover problems and provide solutions. Often referred to as solution-based selling, it requires us to hyperfocus on our clients, rather than on the services or products we’re selling.
Uncover our Client’s Pain Points, Expectations, Experiences
We should take these steps to uncover our client’s pain points, expectations, and experiences before presenting our solutions.
How to Determine your client’s Pain Points, Expectations, and Experiences before presenting your Solutions and Pricing
1. Research
When a new client schedules, we must do some research before meeting her. Meet with your team at the beginning of the day and answer these questions about new clients:
- What was her referral source?
- Describe the phone conversation or did she schedule online?
After she arrives, ask your team these kind of questions:
- What was her demeanor upon arrival? Was she talkative, quiet, happy?
- Did she make eye contact?
- Did she complete her paperwork or did your team have to ask her for more information?
Review her paperwork before you talk to her and look for answers to these questions:
- What is her reason for coming in?
- Check her medical history for possible contraindications
- What is her budget?
- What is her profession?
These questions help you determine your approach, and your solution options, prior to meeting with her.
What about established clients? Though we know our established clients very well, they should benefit from the same formal body contouring solution-based selling consultation process we have with new clients.
2. Ask
Always. Ask. Lots. of. Open-Ended. Questions.
Ask questions that start with Who, What, When, and Where. Rephrase ‘Why questions’ to omit the word ‘why’ because studies show the use of ‘why’ can be perceived as threatening.
The goal of asking questions is Four Fold.
(1) You must discover the client’s real problems, the emotional ones.
You hear, “I want this cellulite gone.”
What you need to hear is, “I feel terrible not being able to wear shorts when it’s hot.”
Do you see the difference? With the second question you have learned that you can take her pain away if she can feel good wearing shorts this summer. doesn’t answer all you need to know. How much cellulite needs to be vanished?
So you need to follow up with a question like this, “How much smoothing do you need to make you feel okay wearing shorts? What would make you happy?” Keep asking questions until you get the answer you need.
(2) You need to discover if the client already has a plan in mind. Has she reviewed your website, read your emails, looked over your handouts? Has she read about a solution you don’t offer? And importantly, what has she already tried, and how did that go?
(3) You need to discover the potential challenges of undergoing treatments with you. Will she be leaving town in a week? Is she opposed to a series of treatments? Does bruising bother her? Is her budget less than $100?
(4) You need to discover if she has set a timeline, and if so what is that timeline. Is she leaving for a beach vacation next week? Is she okay with results within three months?
3. Listen
Not just listening, but active listening...and with empathy. Look at the client. Focus on the client. Respond with a synopsis of what she said. Your goal is making sure you both understand what each is saying. Pay close attention to tone, pitch, enthusiasm, and/or doubt. Follow up with open ended questions to clarify or learn more.
4. Educate
As you respond while actively listening, look for ways to educate. This education is more about helping with the problems or challenges discussed, rather than about promoting your products or services. Educate about your treatments if you determine they’re a good solution, but remember to keep your focus on helping your client.
You should refrain from too much teaching, keeping your discussion limited to the comments or questions as they arise. It’s difficult because we are excited about our solutions and want to share everything we know with our clients! Research shows us, however, that information is best provided in small amounts over time and that information overload can lead to problems.
After completing these steps, you are ready to move on to your sales presentation, pricing, and sales closing process.
By following this consultative sales process, your clients should never feel like they’re being ‘sold to.’
For more information about selling body contouring services, visit
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