How to use the lean startup plan to grow your aesthetics practice

Without a doubt, body contouring services can grow your aesthetics practice to a 7-figure business. We know for certain because our medspa has performed at that level for five years in a row. And...the model continues to prove itself.
Our business idea was unproven
We didn’t always know for certain our concept would be where it is today. Starting out in 2015, our concept was unproven. We were trailblazers. We knew there were risks, but we believed in our idea because it was based on our combined years of experience showing us that (1) our customers had body problems; (2) these problems caused much distress; (3) non-invasive body contouring services solved our customer’s problems; and (4) our customers were willing to pay top dollar for that solution.
As entrepreneurs, we have to tolerate a degree of risk, but taking this leap was scary.
We minimized our risk, and fears, by using the principles of the Lean Startup Method.
See how you can use it for any new business idea.
The Lean Startup Methodology = great for any new business idea
The Lean Startup Methodology, taken from the 2008 book written by Eric Ries, provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and getting the product or service into the hands of the customers quickly.
It’s important to note that the Lean Startup Methodology is not just for a ‘startup’ per se, but should be used when introducing any new product, service or concept in your existing business.
We therefore recommend going through these steps when considering adding non-invasive body contouring services to grow your business. can use these same steps for any new product or service you’re considering!
Indentify the Business Idea = Non-Invasive Body Contouring
When applying the methodology, you must consider whether or not the problem you’re planning to solve is important enough for your clients to want to purchase it.
We identified body contouring needs through years of listening carefully to our clients express their problems and desires... and their wish for a solution.
Have you heard your clients complain about body issues, cellulite, excess fat, loose skin, weight gain, loss of muscle tone, etc? Do you believe your clients would purchase services to solve their problems?
We’ve already proven clients do want the services and will pay top dollar for them.
Once you’ve found your business idea, it’s time to execute…
Execute the Business Idea = Build your Non-Invasive Body Contouring Business
Now it’s time to build your product - in this example, to start offering body contouring services.
We built our entire operation around non-invasive body contouring.
We don’t recommend you start with an entire operation, but instead, start with your minimum viable product, by offering one non-invasive body contouring treatment.
Wikipedia defines a minimum viable product as “a version of a product with just enough features to be usable by early customers who can then provide feedback for future product development. A focus on MVP development potentially avoids lengthy and unnecessary work.”
In our example, the MVP is the one treatment/service you select to start offering.
This allows you to assess the one service, to see how many clients want to buy, and the additional revenue stream it can bring in to grow your business.
You must allow enough time during the process to collect adequate data. And you must ensure you’ve taken the necessary steps for success.
Then it’s time to…
Validate the Business Idea = Body Contouring Services will grow your aesthetics practice
Collect your data.
Evaluate your data.
Use the data to determine if you should continue to build on your business idea.
If the results are mostly positive, continue to build your body contouring practice. This could be with more services or it could be with investing in marketing, a new website, education, or advertising to build upon the service you have.
If the results are negative, you may need to reassess and pivot. Evaluate your methods; get assistance and advice from experts.
Use the Lean Startup Method to grow your aesthetics practice
Using the Lean Startup Methodology is a great way for aesthetic professionals to get their new product (body contouring services) to the market quickly and inexpensively (start with one technology/treatment).
You can minimize risk by working with the Body Contouring Academy, who will provide you what you need to launch, operate and grow.
Best Treatment to Start your Body Contouring Business = Vacuum Therapy
We recommend you start your body contouring business by offering Vacuum Therapy.
4 Treatments with 1 Device
- Cellulite
- Enhanced Buttocks
- Targeted Fat Loss
- Detox Slimming

Learn more about our Vacuum Therapy Online Certification Course
Are you looking for a good Vacuum Therapy Machine? We can help!

Here's a vacuum therapy machine like the one we use at our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.
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