An easy guide to choosing the best vacuum therapy training course

Because vacuum therapy technology delivers so many diverse benefits, choosing the best vacuum therapy training course for your practice can be challenging. Sure, it has to be a course that provides body contouring certification in vacuum therapy technology. But beyond that, do you choose
- a vacuum therapy course with a focus on advanced techniques in vacuum therapy butt enhancement like brazilian butt lift (BBL) or
- a vacuum therapy course that focuses on addressing multiple issues such as cellulite, unwanted fat, detox, plus BBL?
The choice comes down to which vacuum therapy training course best meets
- Your needs at this point in your body contouring journey
- Your practice/business needs
- The needs/desires of your clients
We help you make that determination in the article as we break down what you gain from the two different types of vacuum therapy training courses.
At the Body Contouring Academy, in addition to many other body contouring certification courses, we offer two different online body contouring certification courses in vacuum therapy technology. These are:
Vacuum Therapy 4in1 Masterclass: The Comprehensive Blueprint
A turnkey online vacuum therapy certification course that teaches you all the proven tactics and methods you need to successfully launch vacuum therapy in your business.
The Booty (and Body) Sculpting Masterclass: Advanced Vacuum Therapy and Vacuum Cupping
The ultimate online butt lift course showing you how to give your clients the enhanced booties and hourglass figures they desire…performing advanced techniques with Vacuum Therapy and Vacuum Cupping Technology.
Quite often, we receive questions from students interested in both of these vacuum therapy courses:
One frequently asked question: “Would taking both the Vacuum Therapy 4in1 Masterclass and the Booty (and Body) Sculpting Masterclass involve studying repetitive material?”
Our answer: Yes, there will be repetition in the portions covering vacuum therapy technology for sure, but the two courses focus on very different aspects of vacuum therapy technology treatments in your body contouring practice, and meet different client needs, so in those respects, no they are not repetitive.
Another frequently asked question: Which vacuum therapy course training course should I take?
Our answer to that question follows in this article.
To answer the question, “Which vacuum technology training course should I take?,” we must first break down what each of the vacuum therapy certification courses include.
Let’s start with the…
Vacuum Therapy 4in1 Masterclass: The Comprehensive Blueprint
(Vacuum Therapy Training Course)
Who is this course good for?
- The body contouring beginner
- The body contouring business owner expanding with vacuum therapy treatments
- The business owner using body contouring to expand and grow their business.
Course Synopsis
This body contouring certification masterclass level course includes all of the systems, protocols, tools and forms that you need to successfully implement vacuum therapy (and body contouring) in your business.
Course Detail
The course provides instruction on
- The science of vacuum therapy technology
- The body issues addressed by vacuum therapy technology
- Cellulite
- Superficial Fat Deposits
- Bloating and Detox Issues
- Diminished and Deflated Butttocks
- The vacuum therapy machine
- Setting the machine up
- The machine settings
- 3 vacuum therapy protocols with detailed treatment techniques
- Cellulite Sculpt and LipoSculpt Protocols
- Detox Slimming Protocol
- Butt Sculpt (BBL) Protocol
- Body contouring marketing basics
- Defining your body contouring ‘brand’
- Website
- Email marketing
- Social media
- Body contouring business basics
- Setting your pricing structure
- Performing consultations
- Forms (editable)
- Protocols
- Informed Consent
- Treatment Form
- Pre/Post Treatment Instructions
…and more!
Sounds great?!
Get enrollment information and more details for the Vacuum Therapy 4in1 Masterclass here.
Let’s move on to…
The Booty (and Body) Sculpting Masterclass
(Vacuum Therapy Training Course)
Who is this course good for?
- The established body contouring provider who wants to become the go-to butt and hourglass waist sculpting expert in her market
- The established body contouring provider whose market/clients have a need for treatments to shape, lift, and enhance buttocks and for sculpting an hourglass figure
- The new body contouring provider who has identified a need in her market for advanced shaping, lifting and buttocks enhancement and/or a market need for sculpting an hourglass waist
Course Synopsis
This masterclass level course provides advanced, proprietary vacuum therapy techniques, in-depth coverage of the anatomy and physiology of the gluteal region, and butt sculpting business building tips designed to make you the go-to butt sculptor in your market.
Plus, yet get Bonus! Vacuum Therapy Protocols to reduce cellulite and superficial fat deposits, plus a detox slimming protocol.
Course Detail
This course provides instruction on
- Advanced Science
- Anatomy and physiology of the gluteal region
- Pathology of body issues
- Buttocks correction
- Buttocks shaping
- Gluteal region medical conditions
- The hip dip condition
- ‘Waist loss’
- The Science and Benefits of
- Cupping Therapy
- Vacuum Therapy
- Advanced Vacuum Therapy Protocols/Treatments with proprietary techniques
- Butt Sculpt
- Rump Plumper
- Hip Dip Reduction
- Waist Shaper
- Physiological Actions of the Treatments
- What you want to achieve
- What you want to avoid
- Contraindications
- Caring for you vacuum therapy machine
- Cleaning and sanitizing
- How to become an expert practitioner
- Build your business
- Pricing your treatments
- Setting up your Maintenance Programs
- Forms (editable):
- Protocols
- Informed Consent
- Treatment Form
- Pre/Post Instructions Form
- …Plus! BONUS Vacuum Therapy Protocols
- Cellulite and Unwanted Fat
- Detox Slimming
Sounds like it might be the perfect course for you?
Have you determined the best vacuum therapy training course for your practice?
If not, here’s our advice…
Choose the Vacuum Therapy 4in1 Masterclass if
- You are new or fairly new to body contouring
- You’d like the ability to treat multiple issues with the vacuum therapy machine
- You would like to get instruction on body contouring marketing
- You would like to get pointers on how to do a consultation
- Your clients have needs for cellulite reduction
- You want to add a good detox treatment to your offerings
Choose the Booty (and Body) Sculpting Masterclass if
- You want to learn advanced techniques and advanced anatomy and physiology
- Your body contouring business focus is or will be on butt sculpting and hourglass shaping
- Even though your focus is or will be on butt treatments, you want to offer treatments for cellulite, unwanted fat and detox too
- You are an experienced body contouring provider interested in developing your knowledge and skills
Are you looking for a good Vacuum Therapy Machine? We can help!

Here's a vacuum therapy machine like the one we use at our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.
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