5 easy steps to add wellness services and grow your business

over head view of notebook to plan steps to add wellness services

Consumers are looking for wellness wherever they go.  So as a business owner, body contouring professional or healthcare provider, it should be an easy decision to add wellness services and products to grow your business.  But how do you get started?  And what services should you use to kick off your program?  Will it take a long time to get your initial wellness services off the ground?  Do you need a big budget to kick it off?  In this article, we’ll answer all of these questions (and more!) as we share the 5 easy steps to add wellness services to your business…fast.  You may be surprised!


Welcome to the third article of our wellness business series in which we break down the blueprint to successfully add wellness services to your business.  


But first…

Why you can rely on our advice

  • We’re long-time medical spa owners/operators, Shannon, an Esthetician, and Kay, an RN/Attorney.  
  • We co-founded our most recent medical spa in 2015; it reached 7-figures short of a year and it continues to operate at that level today.  
  • As for wellness services?  Long before wellness was even ‘a thing’ - we incorporated wellness therapies in our medical spa protocols.  
  • We’ve been sharing our knowledge as faculty of the Body Contouring Academy.  
  • And we encourage our students to incorporate wellness therapies in their businesses and include some wellness therapies in our online courses course offerings

Now to the 5 easy steps to add wellness services and grow your business:

Step 1       Evaluate the wellness benefits of the treatments and technology you already use 

Step 2       Do some research

Step 3       Evaluate your resources for new wellness services 

Step 4       Plan and Prepare 

Step 5       Launch and Track

Let’s dive into the details of each step...


 Follow these steps to add wellness services to your business

Step 1

Evaluate the wellness benefits of the treatments and technology you already use

You already provide treatments that assist your clients in achieving their goals.  And whatever your speciality, body contouring, skin, health, and so on, we’d bet that some of these treatments also provide health and wellness benefits.  

Here’s some examples:

So…why not use this low-hanging fruit as your first wellness service(s)?

Cost = zero.

All you need to do is modify your messaging.  


Start marketing your existing treatments as ‘wellness treatments.’  

  • You already have the equipment and the room.
  • Your team is already trained to perform the treatments.
  • Your task?  Develop a ‘wellness name’ and ‘treatment description’ for the new ‘wellness treatment.’  
  • For example, if you are a body contouring professional and promote infrared light therapy treatments for fat reduction or lymphatic detox post-treatment, you can promote the same treatment for its wellness benefits using a description like this:


Infrared Light Therapy, revolutionizing the power of light! Experience the ultimate in relaxation while you elevate your health and revitalize your mood and body.


Follow these steps to add wellness services to your business

Step 2

Do some research

You just learned that you already offer some wellness services! 


The next step is deciding if you want to add new wellness services to your menu.


  • Before you dive in, answer your whys, hows and whens. 
    • Why is it good for your business to add new wellness services and products?  
    • How does each new wellness service and product fit within your brand?
    • When should you add new wellness services and products (in addition to your current treatments you can promote for their wellness benefits)?
    • How will you evaluate the need and benefit for more wellness services as time goes by?


  • If you’ve already identified new wellness services and/or products that fit your needs, it’s time to assess your cash reserves and your cash flow to make sure you have the ability to bring on the new services. 


  • Talk with your VIP clients about your picks.  Get their opinion about the services and your proposed pricing.


  • Do some secret shopping.  Go to businesses in your community that offer the wellness service(s) that you are considering.  What do they charge?  How do they describe it and its benefits?  Schedule for the treatment.  How do you like it?  Does their staff seem sold on it?

Follow these steps to add wellness services to your business

Step 3  

Evaluate your resources for new wellness services


Your cost is next to nothing to promote your existing services for their health and wellness benefits.  


What about new services?  


Consider these issues when making the decision to bring new wellness services on board.



Do you have the space to administer the new wellness treatment(s)?



Does your team have the expertise necessary to learn to sell and perform the new wellness treatment(s)?


Equipment and supplies

What equipment is needed and what will it cost?

What supplies and/or consumables are needed and what will they cost? 

 Follow these steps to add wellness services to your business

Step 4

Plan and Prepare


Rely on experts

Though it’s possible to find what you need to know on the internet, it’s an overwhelming task and takes an incredible amount of time…time that business owners and professionals simply do not have.


So…rely on experts…people who have already done it, who have spent years developing successful businesses and who will lay out a clear path for you.  


Experts like us!  We’ve spent twenty years (and lots of trial and error) to develop and refine protocols, systems and methods.   And you benefit when we share our knowledge!


Educate your team

Your team must hit the ground running.  The more wellness knowledge your team has, the more success for your clients and your business.  


Craft your wellness menu

The wellness services on your menu should

  • Cater to and appeal to your target audience;
  • Be simple and straightforward, not providing too many choices;
  • Highlight key selling points;
  • And use descriptions that focus on the key benefits important to your wellness clients.


Consider your wellness menu as a dynamic marketing tool that should evolve with your business and develop as you gain more knowledge of the wellness industry.

Determine your pricing

Calculate the cost of each new service based on the amount it will take to provide it, then add the profit you want to make.  


It’s worth your time to know your numbers because that’s the key to profitability. 


We recommend you kick off any wellness service with special introductory pricing.’  

  • Set your ‘anchor price’ (your ‘regular price) at an amount that gives you room to offer the service at lower prices and still make a profit.
  • Determine your ‘special introductory price.’
  • Offer the wellness service at that special introductory price for one to three months.  
  • This allows you to learn more about the treatment, collect reviews and testimonials and optimize the service.

Spread the word - start marketing

About three to four months before launch:

  • Announce your new wellness services via signage in your business…on your outdoor chalkboard sign, behind your reception desk, in treatment rooms and in your lobby.  
  • Add a wellness section to your website with details about your program, your ‘why’ and descriptions of treatments.
  • Set up your social media strategy and calendar.
  • Send weekly emails with exciting information about the wellness service(s).


Follow these steps to add wellness services to your business

Step 5

Launch and Track

Set a Timeline

  • Set your kick-off date, the first day you’ll schedule clients for services.
  • Set the date you’ll start marketing your new service(s).  Remember to start at least one month up to three months before scheduling your first client.  Build the excitement!
  • Are you offering new services when you launch your wellness program?  
    • If so, make sure you know when you’ll get your new equipment and supplies to get started.  
    • Make sure you allot adequate time for training.  
    • And after gaining experience performing the treatment during training, decide if your pre-determined pricing makes sense.   


Plan a Soft Launch

  • It’s always a great idea to allow your loyal clients to enjoy the services first, before your official launch.  
  • Offer the service(s) to them at a deep discount.  
  • This allows you to get the kinks out before your official launch. 
  • Plus you can get helpful feedback about the service(s) from your loyal clients.


Track the Numbers

  • It’s important to track the success of your new wellness service(s).
    • How many treatments were scheduled?  
    • What kind of feedback about the service(s) have you received? 
    • Any surprises about the time it took to provide the service(s)?  
    • How many clients rebooked?  
    • How much profit did the new service(s) bring in?

Track your numbers by the day, the week and the month.

Summary: Why you should add wellness services to your business

The wellness industry brought in more than 4 trillion dollars in 2017.   That number continues to grow, proving that consumer demand for wellness is here to stay.  


That’s why integrating wellness services works to bring in more revenue and future-proof your business by providing the services consumers want.     


Follow our five easy steps to add wellness services: 


Step 1       Evaluate the wellness benefits of the treatments and technology you already use 

Step 2       Do some research

Step 3       Evaluate your resources for new wellness services 

Step 4       Plan and Prepare 

Step 5       Launch and Track


Look for our upcoming articles as we continue to guide you through the process of designing a blueprint to successfully add wellness services to your business.


Did you miss our last article?  Read it here.

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