Successfully grow your wellness business with detoxification services

Let's grow your business written chalk board easel stand in hall of wellness center

Nowadays your patients consume a lot of junk food, are exposed to a wide array of environmental toxins and lead sedentary lives.  And if you operate a wellness center, a functional medicine or naturopathic clinic or a chiropractic practice, you know that most patients’ need help handling these burdens. That’s why bringing on detoxification treatments…

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A guide to body contouring service policies

close up of hand holding a pen discussing body contouring service policies

We understand you didn’t go into body contouring to write service policies, but you need to do it to protect yourself and your business.  Sooner rather than later.  Here’s why.  Not having written policies leads to legal risks, lost income, harm to your reputation, appearance of unprofessionalism and confusion amongst your staff and your clients. …

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The definitive body contouring follow-up checklist

medical technician in treatment room holding a tablet reviewing a body contouring follow-up checklist

This article started with an email.  A student wrote: her fat reduction client saw no reduction at a  follow-up visit two months after completing treatments.  What would you have done?  How do you evaluate results?  Body contouring follow-up visits are not easy.  In fact, the basis for a patient’s satisfaction at follow-up starts way before…

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Why your body contouring business needs a website

woman pointing to computer with the word website on the screen on desk

A website is your business’ 24/7 storefront.  Consumers research, review, and compare…then ultimately choose what and where to try or to buy.  They expect to find what they’re looking for online and if your business is not there, they’ll find another business that is.  So if you want to grow and succeed, your body contouring…

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