How to help clients reduce ‘hip dips’

Hip Dips. It’s a name describing a condition that is caused by a normal variation of the bony structures of the pelvis and hips. And even though there’s nothing pathological about it, clients cannot achieve an hourglass body shape if they have ‘dips in the hip.’ So if our clients have hip dips, they are desperate to improve the condition. They look to us, as body contouring professionals, for help. That’s why each and every body contouring professional needs to know how to reduce hip dips. So in this article, we’ll tell you how to help your clients reduce hip dips.
Learn how to help your clients reduce hip dips
In this article, you will learn
- What do hip dips look like?
- What causes hip dips?
- How to help clients reduce hip dips
- The Hip Dip Reduction™ Protocol
- The Booty (& Body) Masterclass, an online body contouring certification course in which you’ll learn these protocols: Hip Dip Reduction™, Rump Plumper™, Butt Sculpt, and Waist Shaper™
Learn more about the course here.
What do hip dips look like?
- Hip dips are indentions on the outside part of the hip, located between the pelvic bone and the trochanter (the bony knob at the top of the femur)
- The dip in the hips is noticeable from the front or the back. The condition has also been given the nickname, Violin Hips, which may give you a visual image
- For some clients, the skin is tightly attached to the trochanter causing the indention or exaggerating the indention
- And for most clients, it’s due to the actual anatomical structure of the pelvic, hip and thigh bones, i.e. their skeletal anatomy
- It’s not a problem with fat. Often times, the less fat around the area the more pronounced the hip dips condition
What causes hip dips?
I. Skeletal Anatomy
The primary cause of hip dips is the client’s structural anatomy, specifically the skeletal anatomy.
The applicable bony structures of the pelvis, hip and thighs
- Illium - the ilium makes up the upper part of the hip bone and pelvis and is the largest bone of the hip.
- Check it on your body. You can feel your ilium when you press your flank area
- Hip Joint - the hip joint is where the femur (thigh bone) joins the ileum (hip bone). It is a ball and socket joint, the ‘ball’ is the femur head and the socket is the part of the pelvis known as the acetabulum.
- You cannot check the hip joint on your body, It’s deep inside your body so you cannot see or feel it.
- Trochanter - also known as the Greater Trochanter, it’s a bony notch at the top of the femur bone.
- Check it on your body. Stand up and touch the side of your hips, you should be able to feel the trochanter as feeling like a bony prominence or ‘knob’ at your hips.
What anatomical designs involving the bony structures of the pelvis, hips and thighs creates the Hip Dip condition?
- A large Trochanter can create a dip in the hips
- A short distance between the Illium and the Trochanter can create a dip in the hips
- A longer distance between the Ilium and the Hip Socket can lead to the appearance of hip dips
It’s important to note that these are all normal variations of skeletal anatomy.
And…the skeleton is one thing we cannot change!
So…if we can’t change the skeleton, what can we change to help clients reduce hip dips?
How body contouring professionals can help clients reduce hip dips
Building and strengthening the muscle groups around the hips and buttocks can help to minimize the appearance of hip dips.
Want to learn more about the gluteal muscle group? Click here to get detailed information about the 3 primary gluteal muscles.
I. Grow the Glutes - increase muscle mass
Work out the three primary gluteus muscles
- Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus are the three primary muscles in the gluteal region
- Of the three, it’s the gluteus medius that is positioned in the area of Hip Dips
- But all three muscle should be worked
Get the 8 best exercises to reduce the appearance of Hip Dips here!
II. Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) treatments - to increase muscle mass
- Perform EMS treatments targeting the gluteal muscles
- EMS treatments are a great alternative for the client who has a busy lifestyle or is resistant to working out, i.e. “I just don’t have time”
- EMS is a safe, effective and affordable treatment that you can be an easy add on to your Hip Dip Reduction treatments.
Find out more about Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) technology and how you can get started with it here.
PRO TIP: Were you thinking of advising the client to lose weight? Losing weight or losing fat in the hip dips area probably won’t help. Hip dips are not an ‘excess fat’ problem.
III. Butt Sculpt or Rump Plumper™ treatments for a more ‘rounded’ buttocks to hip region
Your client may benefit from treatments that target the buttocks so as to create a more rounded ‘buttocks to hip’ region. This may assist in ‘filling in’ the indentation of hip dips and will help clients reduce hip dips.
- Butt Sculpt, the non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) treatments
- Rump Plumper™ treatments
(In addition to Hip Dip Reduction treatments which we will discuss in detail next)
Want to get the details about Butt Sculpt and Rump Plumper™ treatments? Check out: How to get your clients better butts: Butt Sculpt, Rump Plumper, and Hip Dip
IV. The Hip Dip Reduction™ Protocol
The Hip Dip Protocol™ is THE non-invasive body contouring treatment for Hip Dips.
The protocol utilizes our proprietary advanced techniques to specifically target and reduce the dips in the hips.
When you use The Hip Dip Reduction™ Protocol, you will help clients reduce hip dips in the following ways
- Increase circulation and tissue mass to the hips to ‘fill in’ the dip in the hip
- Work the gluteus muscles to build mass to ‘fill in’ the dip in the hip
- Loosen the skin that is tightly attached to the trochanter to minimize the ‘dip in the hip indentation’
- Stimulate collagen and elastin for a more ‘plump appearance’ at the dip in the hip
About the Hip Dip Reduction treatments, the treatments that are also known as ‘ non-surgical Hip Rounding’
- Non-invasive alternative to a surgical fat transfer hip dip correction
- Utilizes Vacuum Therapy, Vacuum Massage, and Vacuum Cupping
- Knowledge of advanced techniques is needed (see the Booty (& Body) Sculpting Masterclass)
The treatment Indications:
- Ideal for clients desiring to minimize/reduce the ‘dip in the hip’ to achieve more of an ‘hourglass hip’
- Also ideal for clients desiring to make their hips rounder, enhance the existing roundness, and/or increase the size of their hips
Help clients reduce Hip Dips now!
Learn how to perform the advanced techniques of the Hip Dip Reduction treatments in our…
The Booty (& Body) Sculpting Masterclass
It’s an online body contouring certification course providing you advanced non-invasive body contouring education and teaching you advanced non-invasive body contouring techniques
- To reduce Hip Dips and give your clients the hourglass body they desire…performing advanced techniques with Vacuum Therapy and Vacuum Cupping Technology
- This course not only shows you how to reduce hip dips…you’ll also learn how to lift, plump, and enhance the buttocks and hips using our advanced techniques
- PLUS! You will learn how to shape the waist and torso to restore, enhance or create the hourglass figure
- Get the expert protocols
- Hip Dip Reduction™
- Butt Sculpt, the non-surgical Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
- Rump Plumper™
- Waist Shaper™
And…get your certification immediately upon course completion!
Get the Booty and Body Sculpting Masterclass details here!
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