Is the S Shape cavitation machine or the 6 in 1 cavitation machine right for you?

Fat cavitation has a long history of delivering consistently good results. And professionals have long recognized the huge business-building opportunity cavitation body contouring treatments provide. But as a provider with so many different cavitation machines available, like the newest platform - the S Shape cavitation machine - it’s next to impossible to feel confident that you’re buying the right one. You need expert advice! And that’s where we, at the Body Contouring Academy, come in. In this article, we’ll give you the information you need to make the right choice and we’ll tell you which machines we like the best.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
A brief review of Ultrasonic Cavitation
What you need to know about Cavitation Machines
The S Shape Cavitation machine
- What is an S Shape Cavitation machine?
- Technologies included
- Ultrasonic Frequency
- Cavitation Handpiece Power
- Cost
The 6 in1 Cavitation machine
- What is a 6 in 1 Cavitation machine?
- Technologies
- Ultrasonic Frequency
- Cavitation Handpiece Power
- Cost
How to decide between the machines
The best S Shape Cavitation machine to purchase
The best 6 in 1 Cavitation machine to purchase
How to get your Cavitation Body Contouring Certification
A brief review of Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation, also called Fat Cavitation, Ultrasound Cavitation - or - simply Cavitation, is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that delivers low-energy ultrasound wave technology to destroy fat cells in a targeted treatment area.
The destroyed fat cells are then eliminated from the body via the lymphatic system over a period of time.
Cavitation treatments are popular because of the many upsides for clients
- No downtime
- No pain
- Few to no side effects
- Permanent fat loss
- Also minimizes cellulite
- Versatile treatment areas
- Budget friendly
- Flexible treatment schedule
Fun Fact:
Cavitation is often called the liposuction alternative because of its ability to produce dramatic results.
What you need to know about cavitation machines
Most cavitation machines are multi-technology machines
First, it’s important to note that most machines labeled as ‘cavitation machines’ are more than that; they are multi-technology platform machines. In other words, the cavitation machine platforms come equipped with cavitation PLUS other complimentary body contouring technologies.
The most common ‘other’ technologies included in a cavitation machine
- Radiofrequency technology
- Vacuum technology
- Lipo Laser technology
- LED technology
Higher priced cavitation machines may include additional technologies
- EMS technology
- Electroporation technology
- Microcurrent technology
- Shockwave technology
These additional technologies are used primarily for protocols/treatments to the face
Cavitation machines have different ‘technology combination handpieces’
- It’s commonplace for manufacturers to combine two technologies in a single applicator or handpiece.
- And different manufacturers may combine different technologies.
Here are examples of what we’ve seen available: A combination Ultrasound/RF handpiece, a combination Vacuum/RF handpiece and a combination Vacuum/LED handpiece.
Same or similar cavitation machine may have different names
Take a look at a sampling of cavitation machines available.
3 in 1 Cavitation machine
4 in 1 Cavitation machine
5 in 1 Cavitation machine
6 in 1 Cavitation machine
7 in 1 Cavitation machine
8 in 1 Cavitation machine
9 in 1 Cavitation machine
10 in1 Cavitation machine
S Shape Cavitation machine
And to further confuse, different manufacturers offer the same cavitation platforms…and may
- Give the machines different names (though they offer the same technologies)
- Combine different technologies on applicators (ex: vacuum/LED or vacuum/RF, etc)
- Market the same or similar machine platforms with different brand names
Most cavitation machines are Level III machines
- Most cavitation machines are Level III body contouring machines, which are a perfect choice for the entry level provider and experienced provider alike.
- We use the 6 in 1 cavitation machine in our medspa.
- Learn more about the three levels of body contouring machines in chapter 3 of our eBook, the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses.
Next, we’ll compare the S Shape Cavitation machine and the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine.
Why limit our discussion to these two machines?
The S Shape Cavitation machine is one of the newest cavitation machine platforms and offers unique benefits...with a higher price point.
The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine has been the most popular, most purchased and most utilized cavitation machine platform, proven effective…with an affordable price point.
The S Shape Cavitation machine
What is an S Shape Cavitation machine?
This is a multi-technology platform with these technologies
- Ultrasound Cavitation
- Radiofrequency (RF)
- Lipo Laser
- Vacuum
- Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
- Electroporation (EL)
It is not intended exclusively for body contouring; it is intended for facial treatments as well
- EMS technology and EL technology are used for the face
Ultrasound Wave Frequency: The S Shape Cavitation machine delivers 30kHz Cavitation
The S Shape Cavitation machine is reported to require fewer treatments because the ultrasound wavelength reaches deeper than the other cavitation machines
- Cavitation machines are either 30k, 40k or 80k
- These numbers refer to the frequency of the sound waves emitted
- The higher the number, the faster the speed of the sound waves delivered
- But the lower the number, the deeper the penetration into the fat layer
Power Output: The S Shape Cavitation machine has a cavitation handpiece with a high power output of 50W
- According to cavitation machine manufacturers, the higher the power output the cavitation handpiece, the faster the fat reduction
- The S Shape Cavitation machine’s cavitation handpiece is powered by 50W output
Cost: The S Shape Cavitation machine requires a larger investment
- The S Shape Cavitation machine costs more than two times as much as the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine, with a price tag of around $850
The 6 in1 Cavitation machine
What is a 6 in 1 Cavitation machine?
The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine is a multi-technology platform with these technologies
- Ultrasound Cavitation
- Radiofrequency (RF)
- Lipo Laser
- Vacuum
Ultrasound Wave Frequency: The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine delivers 40kHz Cavitation
Clients typically need a minimum of 6 treatments with the 6 in 1 machine. According to manufacturer representations, fewer treatments are needed with the S Shape due to the difference between the 30k and 40k frequencies.
- Cavitation machines are either 30k, 40k or 80k
- These numbers refer to the frequency of the sound waves emitted
- The higher the number, the faster the speed of the sound waves delivered
- But the lower the number, the deeper the penetration into the fat layer
Power Output: The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine has a cavitation handpiece with a lower power output of 20W
- According to cavitation machine manufacturers, the lower power output from the cavitation handpiece may require more treatments to achieve desired results
- The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine’s cavitation handpiece is powered by 20W output
Cost: The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine has a lower price point
- The 6 in 1 Cavitation machine has a low price tag around $335, less than half the cost of the S Shape Cavitation machine
How to decide between the machines
We’ve narrowed down hundreds of cavitation machines to two great options.
So…which one is best for you?
Who should choose the S Shape Cavitation machine?
Great choice for experienced providers who have a business or a practice that provides them with the ability to charge a higher fee per treatment and who place a high value on face treatments.
Who should choose the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine?
Perfect choice for the beginner all the way up to the experienced provider who is looking for an affordable machine capable of delivering reliable results.
The best 6 in 1 Cavitation machine to purchase

This 6-in-1 cavitation machine is like the one we use in our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.
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How to get your Cavitation Body Contouring Certification
With the S Shape Cavitation machine and/or the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine, you need education, training, treatment protocols and more to become an expert treating clients with your new machine.

And you can get it all in our Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass online course!
Earn your body contouring certification too!
Final Thoughts
- Cavitation treatments are in super high demand. And so many machine manufacturers have answered that demand…creating a plethora of machines…making it next to impossible to choose.
- That’s why we, at the Body Contouring Academy, have stepped in to help.
- Based on our expertise and experience as owner/operators of a 7-figure medspa, we’ve narrowed down the field to two options, the S Shape Cavitation machine and the 6 in 1 Cavitation machine.
- Both great choices, but each is good for very specific providers.
- No matter which machine you choose, be sure to get education, training and certification so you can safely and effectively treat clients with your new machine.