What are the body contouring business licensing requirements?

It’s a simple question really. What are the body contouring business licensing requirements? You’re not alone if you’re confused about the answer to that question – and you’ve been trying in vain to find the licensing requirements. Why is it so difficult? We don’t know for sure, but we think it’s because non-invasive body contouring is still a relatively new service/business, plus it’s non-invasive and therefore not a real concern for the feds or most states.
But even though the body contouring business is still largely unregulated, some states have put regulations in place. And most (but not all) businesses need some type of business license to operate legally. So to help you sort through the process in your particular location, we’ve compiled this Body Contouring Business Licensing Guide. Disclaimer here: this Guide should not take the place of advice from your attorney and is not intended to be legal advice from us.
Before we dive in to licensing and all that comes with it, let’s address a related question.
Do you need both Body Contouring Certification and Body Contouring Business Licensing?
You need both body contouring certification in the technologies or devices that you operate and you must also comply with your state’s body contouring licensure requirements, if any.
Body contouring certification and body contouring licensure requirements are separate and distinct requirements
A body contouring certificate in a technology or a device provides proof that you have completed the educational objectives required to have the knowledge and capability to operate the equipment and provide the treatments in the course you completed.
As explained in chapter two of the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses, need body contouring certification even if your state requires a professional license to operate body contouring equipment and treat clients. For example, you must show that you’ve been properly trained and educated in the treatment or device even if you are a licensed esthetician.
How do you earn body contouring certification?
You can earn your body contouring certification through an institution of higher learning with qualified body contouring faculty like the Body Contouring Academy.
Body Contouring Business Licensing Guide
What are the body contouring business licensing requirements?
In this guide, we include
Federal requirements
- At this time, there are no federal requirements on the books for non-invasive body contouring
- Learn what US government industry code to use when you register your business
State requirements and local requirements
- Some states do have requirements. Many states don’t. It varies from state to state, which makes it very difficult
- We include a Directory of Resources for each state to save you time and get you started
- You also need to be aware of local regulations (city and county)
- We give you a resource to check for local regulations
Professional or Occupational licensure requirements
- If you hold a professional license, you need to be aware of any requirements or restrictions your license may have
- Most states do not have professional licensure requirements for non-invasive body sculpting, so you can operate without a professional license. But a few states do require a license, so it’s best to know your state’s regs.
What are the body contouring business licensing requirements?
Federal Laws, Requirements, and Regulations
No federal law for non-invasive body contouring
In the US today, there is no federal certification, national board or other national licensure requirement to be a body contouring professional and/or to operate and deliver non-invasive body contouring services. Since it’s not regulated by the federal government, you do not need a federal license.
No recognized US ‘accrediting’ organization for body contouring education
Currently, there is no official organization or government appointed agency to ‘accredit’ body contouring education and training courses. Getting your Body Contouring Certification is the current standard. Need body contouring certification? Click here to check out The Body Contouring Academy’s online certification courses.
US government classifies non-invasive body contouring as a ‘miscellaneous personal service’
The US government utilizes the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system which classifies industries by a four-digit code. New businesses report these codes to the US government. A body contouring business is defined as a Miscellaneous Personal Service, SIC 7299.
State Requirements and Local Requirements
You may need state and local business licenses but you may not
A business license is a document issued by a government agency in your geographic region. It grants you permission to operate your business in that area.
Each state’s licensing requirements differ. Some states require a business license regardless of the type of business you are operating. Other states have licensure requirements for only certain types of businesses. In addition, some, but not all states require local business licenses issued at the city or county level.
At the bottom of this guide we’ve included a Directory of Resources for each of the US states. Simply find your state and determine your body contouring business licensing requirements.
Here are some additional resources you can use if you have questions when contemplating the licensing requirements for your body contouring business
This agency is a part of the Small Business Administration. They provide counseling and training to help small businesses get started. Click here to learn more about how they can help you.
The SBA is built for small business owners, so they have many articles and guides to help answer body contouring business licensing questions.
An aid for local and state regulation data. This website is a pretty good resource for both state and city business license requirements.
Professional or Occupational Licensure Requirements
Professional or Occupational licensing is a form of government regulation requiring a license to practice a particular profession. In the U.S., state governments have the jurisdiction for issuing and regulating licenses for particular professions. Holding a professional license grants certain privileges, but also comes with some restrictions.
When it comes to having a professional or occupational license (or not) – and body contouring – there are two questions.
Do you have to possess a certain professional or occupational license to practice body contouring?
- In most states, you do not need to hold any particular license to practice body contouring. But there are limited exceptions. More often than not, you won’t need a license, but it varies from state to state.
If you do hold a professional or occupational license, do your licensure regulations restrict you from practicing body contouring?
- In most states, your license will not restrict you from practicing body contouring. But in some states and with certain licenses, it can. The answer depends on the particulars of your state’s professional or occupational licensing regulations.
Use the Directory below for information and resources for each of the US states, then determine your state body contouring licensure requirements.
One more thing before you use the Directory to check out your states’ resources…
PRO TIP When our students find it difficult to locate licensing information they need, we suggest asking other body contouring providers who are operating a body contouring business in their state. You can find other providers on social media or by googling. Avoid direct competitors in your town, but rather seek out providers in nearby towns. Ask them where they obtained their regulatory information. In most cases, they are happy to share with you.
How to get your body contouring business license in every state
A state-by-state Directory
Are you wanting to start a body contouring business in Alabama? Consult with AtlasAlabama.gov.
Do you want to start a body contouring business in Alaska? Check out the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development.
Making plans to start a body contouring business in Arizona? Take a look at these websites. The Arizona Commerce Authority, and the Arizona Department of Revenue.
Looking to start a body contouring business in Arkansas? Use the official Ark.gov Owning a Business website.
If you want to start a body contouring business in California, look at directions on the CalGold website.
Interested in starting a body contouring business in Colorado? Check out Colorado’s Office of Economic Development for information. And take a look at Colorado’s official state tools for businesses.
Do you want to start a body contouring business in Connecticut? There’s a couple of sites to check into. The Connecticut Secretary of State’s New Business Tool website. And the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection’s Business Licenses, Registrations, and Tools.
Looking to start a body contouring business in Delaware? Take a look at the Delaware.gov’s OneStop for New Businesses page.
How to get your body contouring business license
If you want to start a body contouring business in Florida, check the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation website.
Starting a body contouring business in Georgia? A great resource where you’ll get your questions answered is georgia.org. And take a look at the Georgia Secretary of State’s website.
Want to open a body contouring business in Hawaii? Visit these two websites. Hawaii.gov’s Business Express. and Hawaii’s Department of Commerce’s Professional and Vocational Licensing.
If you’re planning to open a body contouring business in Idaho, learn more about licensure requirements by visiting Idaho.gov’s State and Federal Resources for Business website.
If you’re looking to start a body contouring business in Illinois, visit the Business section of the official Illinois.gov website.
About to open a body contouring business in Indiana? The state has a great business starters guide, check it out at inbiz.in.gov/start-business.
Do you want to open a body contouring business in Iowa? Get information about Iowa licensing requirements at the Iowa Business License Information Center website.
Interested in opening a body contouring business in Kansas? Check out the Kansas.gov Business License website.
Are you looking to start a body contouring business in Kentucky? Start your research at the official Kentucky one-stop business resource website.
If you’re wanting to open a body contouring business in Louisiana, go to the Louisiana Secretary of State business site.
Is Maine the state where you want to open a body contouring business? Check out the business section of the official GoMaine.gov website.
Are you looking to start a body contouring business in Maryland? Go to Maryland’s official one stop website for information.
Planning to open a body contouring business in Massachusetts? Take a look at both of these websites. Massachusetts Guide to starting a new business on Massachusetts official website. And get the specifics on business licensing information, see mass.gov/topics/business-licenses-permits
Are you wanting to open a body contouring business in Michigan? To find out what your Michigan licensing requirements are by visiting the State License Search on Michigan’s website And to research starting a Michigan business, see michigan.gov/som/business.
Looking to start a body contouring business in Minnesota? Get information about how to start a business check out, mn.gov/deed/business/starting-business. And use the official Minnesota online business license tool.
Are you planning a new body contouring business in Mississippi? Take a look at the Mississippi Secretary of States’ website, see sos.ms.gov/business-services-regulation.
If you want to open a body contouring business in Missouri, check out the steps for starting a business in Missouri at the Missouri’s Secretary of State website.
Are you looking to start a new body contouring business in Montana? Start your search at this official state site. svc.mt.gov/dor/eStopPortal. And check out the Montana Secretary of State website, business section, for more information.
Opening a new body contouring business in Nebraska? Visit the Business section of the official state of Nebraska website.
Would you like to open a body contouring business in Nevada? Visit this Nevada Secretary of State website.
New Hampshire
If you want to start a body contouring business in New Hampshire, take a look at the business section of the official New Hampshire government site. And check out Licensing FAQs at revenue.nh.gov/faq/new-business-tax
New Jersey
Planning to open a body contouring business in New Jersey? Visit the business section of NJ.gov. And if you’d like a guide to starting a business in New Jersey, see business.nj.gov/.
New Mexico
Is New Mexico where you want to open a body contouring business? Check the New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department website. And get information about starting a business in New Mexico at newmexico.gov/business/Starting_A_Business.
How to get your body contouring business license
New York
Going to start a body contouring business in New York? Get all the scoop on starting your business in New York in the business express section of the Official New York government website.
North Carolina
If you’re planning to open a body contouring business in North Carolina, visit the business support section of the official North Carolina website.
North Dakota
Wanting to start a body contouring business in North Dakota? Go to the North Dakota portal for business visiting nd.gov/businessreg/license.
Gearing up for a new body contouring business in Ohio? Read the How to start a business in Ohio ebook. Click here. https://clients.ohiosbdc.ohio.gov/DocumentMaster.aspx?doc=2462 And check out the Licensing and Permits page of the Ohio.gov website.
If Oklahoma is the state where you want to open a new body contouring business, visit the Business Licensing and Operating Requirements section of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
Are you wanting to start a body contouring business in Oregon? Study the Oregon Secretary of State website, starting a business section.
Are your plans to open a body contouring business in Pennsylvania? Consult with the Pennsylvania Department of State Licensing Division for information.
Rhode Island
Will you be opening a body contouring business in Rhode Island? To learn more about licensure and how to start or operate a business in Rhode Island, see the business services on sos.ri.gov.
South Carolina
Getting ready to start a body contouring business in South Carolina? For instruction on licensure requirements check out the Licenses, Permits and Registration on South Carolina’s website. And to learn about starting and operating a business at South Carolina Business One Stop.
South Dakota
If you’re planning to open a body contouring business in South Dakota, take a look at South Dakota Governor’s Office of Economic Development website about starting and operating a business, and it includes a guide on licensing.
Wanting to start a body contouring business in Tennessee? Check out the Tennessee Department of Revenue’s registration and licensing page.
How to get your body contouring business license
Are you wanting to open a body contouring business in Texas? Review the Texas ebook on Business Licenses and Permits.
Planning to start a body contouring business in Utah? Visit Utah’s OneStop Business page.
Is Vermont the state where you plan to open your body contouring business? Take a look at the Vermont Secretary of State business services division webpage.
Getting ready for a new body contouring business in Virginia? Learn how to start a business in Virginia. Visit virginia.gov/state-government/business/. And get in depth information about licensure requirements, see virginia.gov/services/licenses/financial-and-business/.
If you want to open a body contouring business in Washington, check out the Washington State Department of Licensing. And take a look at Washington’s Department of Revenue website to learn more about applying for a license.
Washington DC
Do you plan to start a body contouring business in DC? Determine what kind of license you need at the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. And to find out how to apply for your license, visit DC Business Center.
West Virginia
Are you wanting to open a body contouring business in West Virginia? Consult with the West Virginia online business portal.
Getting ready to start a new body contouring business in Wisconsin? Visit the state’s business webpage to learn more about Wisconsin licensure requirements.
Is Wyoming the state where you want to open a body contouring business? Take a look at the Wyoming Secretary of State website for business information. Click here. For Wyoming business startup resources , visit the Wyoming Business Council website for additional resources and support.
If you’d like more information about starting, building and growing a body contouring business, visit www.bodycontouringacademy.com.