Your fat cavitation education must include sleep and here’s why

Your fat cavitation education most likely includes instructions like alcohol avoidance, increased water consumption, moderate exercise and a healthy diet. But does your fat cavitation education include instructions about sleep? Likely not, since the relationship between a patient’s sleep and its effect on fat-promoting brain changes and lymphatic system performance is all too often overlooked by most body contouring professionals. In this article we discuss how your patients’ lack of proper sleep influences the fat loss they can (or cannot) achieve from your fat cavitation treatments and what information you must include about sleep in your fat cavitation education to assist your patients in achieving optimum fat loss results.
The best way to understand how poor sleep can interfere with fat loss results is by seeing how it plays out in real life.
This case study (one of our own med spa patients) illustrates how proper sleep (or rather, lack of proper sleep) interferes with the amount of fat loss achieved by fat cavitation…as well as all of the other non-invasive fat reduction treatments like cryolipolysis, lipo laser, etc..
Why (and when) your fat cavitation education must include sleep instructions
Lack of proper sleep leads to fat gain while undergoing fat cavitation treatments: A Case Study
Patient presents with stubborn abdominal fat
Eleanor came in asking for treatments for fat loss. She explained that she gained most of her excess weight within the last two years, with most of her excess fat around her midsection. She reported multiple attempts at diet and exercise to lose the excess fat…all without success. Physical assessment revealed abdominal fat, both subcutaneous and visceral fat. We recommended fat cavitation for the abdominal subcutaneous fat and discussed diet and exercise for the visceral fat. She opted to proceed with fat cavitation treatments.
Three week follow-up: Our findings midway through the initial cavitation treatment series
Our midway evaluation three weeks into treatments revealed a weight gain of five pounds, no inch reduction…even a slight increase in her abdominal measurements. And Eleanor reported that she had been compliant. She had been coming in to our medspa 2-3 times a week for Vibration Therapy sessions; reported abstention from alcohol, copious water consumption and compliance with our post-treatment diet plan.
So…we explored Eleanor’s other lifestyle factors to identify the problem. We discovered that her employer had been laying off employees; she still had her job but was worried. She said she “has had trouble sleeping since her divorce (2 years ago), and sleep has become a MAJOR ISSUE since she’s worrying about job security.” She told us she has not slept more than four or five hours a night since she started with the fat cavitation treatments.
We told Eleanor that her ‘fat problem’ was likely due to insufficient sleep. We provided her with the following instructions.
Our fat cavitation education sleep instructions for Eleanor
1) Establish a relaxing bedtime routine
2) Go to bed
- in a dark,
- quiet,
- cool room
- at about the same time each night.
3) Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night.
4) Wake up at about the same time each morning (no matter how much or little sleep she has had), keeping the same sleeping hours every day, even on the weekends.
5) Avoid food, drink or exercise within 3 hours of bedtime.
6) Exercise each day, i.e. take a walk at lunch break.
7) Consider adding proven sleep enhancing supplements*:
- Melatonin
Learn how Melatonin promotes sleep
- Magnesium
Learn how Magnesium promotes sleep
- Apigenin
Learn how Apigenin promotes sleep
*Though these supplements are generally considered safe, your patients should talk with a physician (your medical director or her personal physician) before starting any supplements.
Six week follow up: Our findings three weeks later
Our six week follow up revealed great progress. Eleanor had lost all but one of the five pounds she had gained and also lost several inches in her abdominal measurements. She reported that she worked hard to follow the sleep instructions. She said she felt better than ever, was less hungry and felt much more focused.
Why were Eleanor’s sleep habits interfering with fat loss from cavitation treatments?
A very specific lifestyle issue (poor sleep) was the cause of Eleanor’s failure to lose fat and it was likely the reason she gained the weight in the first place since her divorce two years ago.
Why your fat cavitation education must include sleep:
Insufficient sleep restricts fat loss from your cavitation treatments in two ways:
1) Fat Gain
2) Impedance of Lymphatic System Performance
I. Fat Gain
What was the cause of Eleanor’s failure to lose fat from her fat cavitation treatments?
#1: Insufficient sleep leads to fat gain
- We discovered that Eleanor had experienced sleep problems for the past two years since her divorce. During that time, she had gained twenty pounds, mostly around her abdomen.
- After starting fat cavitation treatments, Eleanor experienced additional stressors leading to even greater difficulty sleeping.
It’s difficult to see fat loss from fat cavitation when the patient is gaining fat during the treatment series:
Insufficient Sleep leads to
- Feeling hungrier, consuming more calories and eating larger portions
Insufficient sleep leads to higher caloric intake and weight gain.
One sleep study evaluating differences in sleep of just two hours a night found the shorter night group ate an average of 677 more calories a day compared to the normal sleeping hours group.
- Poor food choices
Sleep deprivation directly affects the brain. Those changes prompt people with
insufficient sleep to crave snacks and sugary, salty, fatty foods.
- Weight gain, specifically abdominal fat (subcutaneous and visceral)
Researchers found that people suffering from insufficient sleep experience a
9% - 11% increase in abdominal fat, both subcutaneous and visceral.
When you include sleep in your fat cavitation education, you help your patient avoid fat gain and ensure optimum fat loss results.
Another way Insufficient sleep can affect fat reduction results is through its detrimental impact on your patient’s lymphatic function.
Impedance of Lymphatic System Performance
What was the cause of Eleanor’s failure to lose fat from her fat cavitation treatments?
#2: Insufficient sleep impedes the performance of the lymphatic system.
The critical role the lymphatic system plays with non-invasive fat reduction
Before understanding why lymphatic impairment from lack of sleep is so detrimental to fat loss results, let’s review the integral role the lymphatic system plays with fat cavitation…as well as with all other non-invasive fat reduction treatments.
Here’s an unfortunate fact. Your patients will likely not see inch loss after undergoing non-invasive fat reduction treatments like fat cavitation if she has a poorly functioning lymphatic system.
- The lymphatic system’s primary role in the body is to eliminate waste, toxins and excess fluids. There is no other mechanism by which the body can perform these functions.
- Our fat reduction treatments (like fat cavitation) destroy and release fat cells and other debris into your patient’s body.
- This results in an additional workload on your patient’s lymphatic system because on top of normal function and demands, the lymphatic system must eliminate the debris (fat cells, fluids, toxins) left behind from the treatment.
Studies show that lymphatic function slows by 22% with insufficient sleep. That’s a significant reduction in functioning that packs a powerful punch on your patient’s fat reduction results.
Proper sleep is paramount to fat loss results. For as much as lymphatic functioning is greatly impaired with lack of sleep, a well rested body will promote the flow of lymph fluid (with toxins, fats, excess fluids) from the body.
What does your fat cavitation education include?
We hope you’ve gained helpful body contouring information in our article.
Information to help you get better results for your patients and grow your business.
Learn more from us at The Body Contouring Academy!
Who are we? We, the faculty at the Body Contouring Academy, have been medspa owners/operators since 2006.
Our current medspa business has been producing happy patients and generating seven-figures consistently since 2015.
And via the Body Contouring Academy, we share our knowledge and our expert protocols, techniques, tools, and forms in convenient, online body contouring certification courses.
Take a look at our fat cavitation certification course.
The Body Contouring 6in1 Masterclass
In this course, you’ll learn four technologies:
- Fat Cavitation
- Lipo Laser
- Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening
- Vacuum/LED
And you’ll learn how to treat
- Unwanted Fat
- Loose skin
- Cellulite
- Stretch Marks
Final Thoughts
It takes more than ‘the basics’ to deliver top-tier fat reduction services. It takes knowing what the body contouring experts know and doing what the body contouring experts do.
This article provided you with a glimpse inside the world of body contouring experts as it gave you real insight into some ‘expert’ fat cavitation education secrets.
To develop your own body contouring expertise, you need to learn from the experts, taking courses authored by the industry experts. You need courses that provide in-depth education, that truly explore the nuances of the craft and that keep you ahead of the basic industry trends.
Want to be a body contouring expert? The Body Contouring Academy’s 6 in 1 Masterclass is the best place to start.