How much does it cost to start a body contouring business? 

top view of calculator, plant & notepad with body contouring startup expenses to show the cost to start a body contouring business

Dreamed of starting a body contouring business?  But you haven’t done it because you’re afraid you can’t afford cost to start a body contouring business? You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars to get your business started. And you don’t need to quit your job while you’re building your body contouring practice. You just…

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How to create your body contouring website easily and inexpensively

No website yet?  We bet you’re scared of the cost and afraid of not knowing what to do.  You won’t reach your business goals without a website.  So in this episode, we detail the two steps you need to take so you can easily create an affordable body contouring website – sooner rather than later.     …

The steps to selecting the best body contouring machines for your body sculpting business

Your choice of body contouring machines is critical to your business success whether you’re brand new to the body sculpting business or adding body contouring services to your existing business. But how do you choose when there are literally thousands of choices? Listen to this episode. We explain how to make the smartest machine purchase decisions, and share…

Why you should use this machine to launch your body contouring business

woman in black dress smiling with a thinking about machine to launch body contouring business

After twenty years of owning and operating medspas, we’re hard pressed to name a favorite body contouring machine.   But to recommend a first machine?  A machine to use to launch your body contouring practice?  That’s different.  We can definitely say there is one machine that beats the rest…for a lot of reasons.  Since this is…

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