Don’t break the body contouring marketing rules!

know the rules written on chalkboard for contouring marketing

In our last blog article, Want leads?  6 reasons to use social media marketing in your body contouring business, we discussed the six reasons why you must include a social media strategy in your body contouring business game plan.  But we didn’t discuss what body contouring marketing is and how to develop your body contouring…

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Should you buy or lease body contouring equipment?

woman in white button up shirt holding words in each hand "buy" & "lease" body contouring equipment

Should you buy or lease body contouring equipment?  One of our customers, Kathy B., recently reached out to us with that question.  It’s a great question because it’s such an important decision for you and your body contouring business.  And the answer is, ‘it depends.’  There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but the answer…

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