5 Ways to Introduce Body Contouring Services to your Clients

The demand for non-invasive body contouring is absolutely exploding. And if you are an esthetician, massage therapist, fitness trainer, lash/brow artist or any other type of professional with a business, you clearly see the tremendous profit opportunity that body contouring services can bring to your business. You sure don’t want your clients to leave your business to seek body contouring services elsewhere. But...you may be stuck. Because you don’t know how to introduce non-invasive body contouring services to your clients.
You can learn how here!
In this article we’ll show you…step-by-step
How to introduce body contouring services to your clients
5 Ways to Introduce Body Contouring Services to your existing clients
Each of these 5 steps (1) positions you as an expert and (2) creates trust
- Positioning as an Expert: No matter what business you’re in, you need to create authority and you do this by becoming an expert in the field…in this case non-invasive body contouring.
- Creating/Building Trust: You have established a relationship with your clients. They trust you for their needs. When you’re expanding to body contouring services, you must show them they can expand their trust in you to include body contouring.
Step 1 Offer helpful expert information during conversations to introduce body contouring services
Perhaps the most natural and certainly the easiest of ways to establish yourself as an expert and establish trust happens naturally during conversations with your existing clients.
The typical scenario
Arm yourself with knowledge NOW, because when your clients express a body concern (and they will), i.e. weight gain, unwanted fat, cellulite, flat booty, they give you the perfect natural opportunity to show your expertise. You simply educate your client about her concern during your conversation, whether it is weight gain or cellulite or another issue. Tell her what causes it and what she can do about it - both on her own - and - with services you provide.
Here’s an example of the typical scenario
- Your client says “I just can’t seem to get rid of this belly fat no matter what.”You can educate your client about the six different types of fat cells; which fat cells are good fat and which fat cells are bad fat; which kind of fat cells respond best to weight loss and which ones don’t respond well to dieting, and therefore fat reduction treatments are needed.
- And, say for example, if you provide fat reduction treatments with ultrasonic fat cavitation or with lipo laser, then you follow with education about what those treatments can do to help her reduce her belly fat.
You build trust (& show expertise)
- By providing your clients with ways to improve their problem on their own even without your services
- By offering the treatment(s) you offer at your business to assist them with their problem(s).
Step 2 Prepare handouts and other forms to introduce body contouring services
Following these kinds of conversations with your clients about the body concerns they’ve expressed, follow up by offering them a written handout that explains more about their issues or about what you discussed. You can use blogs you’ve written, informational write ups about treatments or products, protocols for treatments, or any other written material you’ve prepared. It’s okay to utilize digital forms (like sending them an informational email) of these documents, but nothing beats ‘handing a gift’ directly into the hands of your client.
Continue helping your client by sending more helpful information via email after she leaves.
Step 3 Publish blogs on your website & share them on social media
Customers want to do business with experts. So...show your clients you are a body contouring expert…with blogs. Position yourself as the body contouring expert in-the-know and build trust by sharing your knowledge.
- ‘Differentiating’ is the term used to describe actions you take to create the perception that you are an expert in body contouring and set yourself apart from your competitors.
- Though there are multiple differentiators you can use, it is the WOW differentiator that conveys expertise and authority.
Publishing blogs on your website is a win-win
- Helps your clients by providing them with valuable information and education
- And conveys expertise and authority which helps you and your business at the same time.
How do you know what to blog about?
- Listen to your client’s concerns, i.e. “How do I lose this belly fat?;” “What can I do to get rid of my cellulite?;” “I want to firm up the skin on my arms;” etc.
- Jot them down. When you really listen to your client’s body concerns, your list will go on and on.
Post your blogs on social media
- Finally, share your blogs on your social media pages.
Step 4 Send nurturing emails to introduce body contouring services
Nurturing emails are short, non-salesy emails you prepare and send to your clients and prospects.
- Nurturing emails serve two purposes
(1) they provide helpful information relevant to the client’s interests
(2) they help to keep you and your business ‘top of mind,’ i.e. they think of you when they’re ready to treat.
- These short nurturing emails, of absolutely no more than 200 words, give you the opportunity to showcase your knowledge with well-written, informative, relevant content.
- As with any email, it’s critical to create catchy subject lines
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Step 5 Acquire the ability & expertise to answer your client’s body contouring questions
- Acquiring knowledge and gaining expertise, together, form the basis for the action steps in parts I, II, III, & IV.
- To become an expert in body contouring, just as in any field, you must first gain knowledge and then apply that knowledge.
Want to learn how to add body contouring services to your business?
Get the Ultimate Guide to the Best Body Contouring Certification Courses
How do you learn body contouring?
(1) Listen to those who’ve earned the designation as body contouring ‘experts.’ Learn from their experience and knowledge, their successes and failures.
(2) Learn from doing. Gain your own experience and knowledge. The best way to do that?
(i) get your body contouring certification
(ii) add body contouring services to your business
(iii) start treating body contouring clients
Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in January of 2021 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.