Use these body fat facts to build a profitable fat reduction business

Fat reduction clients come in all shapes and sizes and with different ‘problem areas.’ The most successful body contouring professionals are privy to some very important body fat facts and use that knowledge to deliver the very best fat reduction results. In this article, you’ll discover what the body contouring experts know so you, too, can build a profitable fat reduction business. And you’ll learn the three most popular fat reduction technologies and how you can earn your online body contouring certification in those technologies.
In this article, discover the body fat facts you need to build a profitable fat reduction business
- Why are women the ‘fatter’ sex?
- What you need to know about fat cells
- Function of fat cells
- Different types of fat cells
- Location of fat cells
- Characteristics of fat cells
Learn the three most popular fat reduction technologies and how to get your body contouring certification in these online courses
- Ultrasound Cavitation and Lipo Laser
- Body Contouring 6in1 Masterclass
- Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)
- The Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) Certification Course
Why are women the ‘fatter’ sex?
Why is it that most fat reduction clients are women?
It's the biological design for women to have the propensity to put on weight.
That’s why women tend to have more body fat than men, 10% more on average. Here’s why.
1. Women tend to store fat readily
- It’s a carryover from ancient times when availability to food was unpredictable and women needed to survive to create new lives.
2. Women have higher lean to fat ratios
- Men have more lean muscle, which burns more calories.
- Women carry between six and eleven percent more body fat than men - even when they take in fewer calories.
3. Women produce more estrogen and less testosterone
- Estrogen is the primary female hormone. It prompts the body to store and deposit fat to create ‘female curves.’
- Testosterone is the primary male hormone. It promotes muscle growth and maintains muscle mass.
What every body contouring professional needs to know about body fat to build a profitable fat reduction business
I. The function of body fat
Body fat, medical term adipose tissue, is a complex organ in the body. Its main job is to store and release energy (in the form of calories) but it serves many other functions:
- Controls the release of multiple hormones that control metabolism.
- Assists in regulating body temperature and vitamin absorption
- Supports other cellular structures within the body
- Some fat cells even produce energy and burn fat
II. The different types of fat cells
White Fat Cells
- White fat is what comes to mind when envisioning ‘problem fat.’
- Having a certain amount of white fat is not all bad. In fact, it’s necessary.
White fat serves three primary roles
- Storing energy (calories)
- Providing cushion for internal organs
- Releasing certain proteins and hormones into the bloodstream
Where are white fat cells found
White fat comprises about 90% of the fat in our bodies and can be found in the
- Abdomen
- Chest
- Flanks
- Hips
- Back
- Arms
- Legs
- Neck
Brown Fat Cells
What does brown fat do?
- Brown fat performs functions you would not expect from a fat cell.
- Brown fat burns energy (calories).
- Brown fat improves metabolism.
Until recently, scientists believed only infants had brown fat. But that has been disproven by multiple studies documenting brown fat in adults.
Where are brown fat cells found
- Abdomen
- Chest
- Neck
- Shoulders
Beige Fat Cells
What does beige fat do?
- Beige fat cells look and act like a cross of white and brown fat.
- Beige fat cells can burn energy, like brown fat cells.
Evidence is not yet clear whether beige fat cells are their own type, or whether they are conversions of white fat cells into beige fat cells triggered by specific conditions.
Where can we find beige fat cells
- Beige fat can be found in small quantities throughout the body.
- The highest concentrations are found around the spine and collarbone.
III. The location of fat cells
- Fat cells can be located between the skin and the muscles, called subcutaneous fat.
- Fat cells can also be located deep inside the abdominal cavity, called visceral fat.
Subcutaneous Fat
- When you can “pinch an inch,” it's subcutaneous fat.
- Subcutaneous fat is located superficially, between the skin and muscles.
PRO TIP: Subcutaneous fat responds well to fat reduction treatments, but is resistant to diet and exercise.
Visceral Fat
- Visceral fat is located deep inside the abdominal cavity, and intertwined around the organs such as the liver, kidneys and intestines.
- An abdomen with visceral fat feels hard, not soft and pinchable.
PRO TIP: Currently, there are no fat reduction treatments to reduce visceral fat, but visceral fat responds well to diet and exercise.
Combination of subcutaneous and visceral fat
- Many clients complaining of excess abdominal fat have a combination of subcutaneous abdominal fat and visceral fat.
- For these clients, recommend a treatment plan that includes both fat reduction treatments (for subcutaneous fat) and diet and exercise (for visceral fat).
IV. The characteristics of fat cells
Metabolic Fat
Type 1 Metabolic Fat is abdominal fat.
- These are large-size fat cells with little fibrous content
- These cells are not fed through micro-circulation
→ Responds well to fat reduction treatments
Structural Fat
Type 2 Structural Fat varies by body location as it plays different roles based upon surrounding structures. It’s found in the
- Inner knees
- Inner thighs
- Armpits
- Breasts
- Pectoral area
- Hips
Structural fat is
- Wrapped in a fibrous mesh and is well-vascularized
→ More resistant to fat reduction treatments than metabolic fat, but is treatable
Fibrous Fat
Type 3 Fibrous Fat can be found in areas of mechanical stress (areas of movement) such as
- Outer thighs
- Arms
- Knees
- Pectoral area
- ‘Buffalo hump’
- Other areas involved in motion
Fibrous fat is
Small fat cells that are wrapped in a thick, fibrous shell
→ The most resistant to treatments; likely to require repeated treatments. It is treatable nevertheless
V. Help your clients (and your bottom line!) by getting certified in one of the two body contouring certification courses ranked as the very best.
Help your clients (and your bottom line!) by getting certified in one of the two body contouring certification courses ranked as the very best in the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses.
Build a profitable fat reduction business by getting certified in both
Ultrasound Fat Cavitation and Lipo Laser combined in one multi-technology course!
The Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass
The Best Multi-Technology Combo Fat Reduction + Skin Tightening Certification Course
- The 6in1 Masterclass is a multi-technology body contouring certification course that gives you the ability to treat multiple body concerns, fat + so much more!
- In addition to reducing unwanted fat, you’ll gain the ability to tighten loose skin, minimize cellulite and fade stretch marks.
Get the details (& pricing info) on the Best Multi-Technology Combo Fat Reduction + Skin Tightening Certification Course!
Or choose to build your profitable fat reduction business in the ever-popular fat freezing (Cryolipolysis) certification course!
The Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) Certification Course
The Best Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) Certification Course!
- Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) is the most recognized and requested of all fat reduction technologies!
- You’ll be sure to stand out as a body sculpting expert with body contouring certification in Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing).
Visit for more information about growing your business with non-invasive body contouring.
Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in April of 2021 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.