How much can you make doing body contouring?

There are many factors to consider when planning a career. First, you want something that will make you happy. You want a job that brings you respect. And you don’t want to spend years in school. Each one of these boxes are checked with a career in body contouring…but you still have to ensure you’ll make the money you want. So in this article, (1) we review some fundamentals you need to know before starting a career in body contouring; (2) show you a variety of career path choices; and (3) tell you how much you can make doing body contouring.
I. Fundamentals you need to know before starting a career in body contouring
What is body contouring?
The use of a surgical or non-surgical procedure or series of procedures/treatments to improve an area or aspect of the body.
What is non-invasive (non-surgical) body contouring?
Employs medical technologies and holistic therapies (without the use of surgery) to improve the body in one of the following ways
- Targeted fat reduction
- Skin tightening
- Muscle toning
- Cellulite reduction
- Buttocks enhancement
- Stretch Mark reduction
- Detoxification
Why focus on a career in non-invasive body contouring?
It's a great opportunity that’s available to a wide range of people because most states don’t require a professional license like esthetician or nursing to deliver these non-invasive services.
Compare to surgical treatments, which requires advanced medical education, degrees and training to perform the procedures.
What’s the difference between body contouring and body sculpting?
- There is no difference. They describe (and define) the same thing.
- The two terms are synonyms and can be used interchangeably.
II. Career path choices
III. How much you can make doing body contouring
What is a body contouring technician?
A person who has successfully completed an educational program covering the theory, science and practice of body contouring and has earned certification from that program in
- Technologies, treatments, contraindications, complications
- Anatomy, physiology and pathology of body issues
- Machines and devices
Can also be referred to as a
- Body contouring specialist
- Body sculpting technician
- Body sculpting specialist
- Body contouring professional
- Body sculpting professional
How do I get certified to become a body contouring technician?
- It’s possible, but not always easy, to find a one or two day course in a certification nearby your home.
- Online certification courses are also available. These 100% online certification courses offer flexibility, convenience, and lifetime access to the material, as well as many other perks and benefits.
- And you have a variety of courses from which to choose, as detailed in the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses.
How do you determine the best certification course?
Look for a certification course that will mold you into an expert and set you up for success with
- Qualified Instructors - experts who have gone before you.
- Years of first-hand experience - faculty has experience selling and delivering these treatments.
- Proven success record - instructors have a long history of operating a successful business.
- Authorities in the field - faculty are recognized authorities in the field, i.e. authors, podcasters, bloggers, consultants, coaches.
- Long term support after you finish the course - instructors commit to supporting you in the long term.
- Lifetime Community Membership - comes with the course
Need more guidance? Listen to a very short podcast that details the six important details about the educational institution and its faculty so you can select the best education.
Are there many job opportunities for technicians?
The field is open to many people throughout the US. And technicians are in high demand. For example, our Google query, jobs for body contouring technicians, produced multiple pages of technicians help-wanted results from Indeed , Simplyhired, ZipRecruiter and Glassdoor.
No experience required
Most of these technician job openings found on our google search did not require a professional license, previous experience or a particular background. In other words, the opportunity for a technician job is wide open!
Employee status
In these technician positions, you are an employee of a company like a spa, body contouring business or a medical or chiropractic practice. Does that sound like the kind of job you’ve been dreaming about?
How much can you make doing body contouring as a technician? reports the estimated starting total pay in 2022 for technicians (in the United States) is $44,718/year, with an average starting salary of $42,179. And the site’s research reports hefty increases in pay that come with work experience. reports pay for senior technicians at $55,871.
But the thing is, you don’t have to work in someone else’s business…
You can start your own business!
Take a look at these
Self-employment career paths
- You can build your own business and be your own boss.
- You can become a self-employed professional.
- Your business can be home-based, mobile-based or based out of a booth or lease space.
- You can even partner with a medical professional and open a medical spa.
How much can you make doing body contouring as a home-based self-employed professional? reports that in 2022, the average monthly pay for a home-based self-employed professional in the United States is $4,621/month. That’s $55,542/year.
Sounds great!
Want help getting started with a home-based business?
Check out our blog
An entrepreneur’s guide to starting a home-based body sculpting business
to learn how.
Other career paths for self-employed professionals:
- Mobile-based business
- Booth space business
- Lease space business
How much can you make doing body contouring with a mobile-based business?
- Our research did not yield a direct answer to this question, but we suspect this business model yields similar pay to home-based businesses ($55,542/year).
How much can you make doing body contouring within your lease space business?
The National Laser Institute reports the amount of wages earned for professionals within leased space businesses at $80,000 to $100,000/year.
How much can you make doing body contouring in a medical spa?
- Your earnings potential is the greatest with this path.
- If you decide to partner with medical personnel and deliver medical grade services in a medical spa business, you could potentially earn as high as six figures.
- We reached seven figures in our body contouring medical spa within less than a year of opening.
For help in setting up your dream business, check out our blog
7 steps to going all out to open your body contouring business with a FREE pdf guide.
How much can you make doing body contouring?
You can earn
- $44,718/year as a technician working in a business
- $55,542/year as a self-employed home-based or mobile-based technician
- $80,000 to $100,000 in your own business
- A high six-figures partnering with medical personnel in your own medical spa
- You can make money doing what you love
- You will earn respect
- You can get started NOW! (without years of school)
- Your clients will love you
Get started now!
Visit to learn more about certification courses.