Guarantee success using the 6 most popular body contouring treatments

Woman wearing white blazer smiling with her hands behind her head with body contouring machine in the background

As rapidly as body contouring technology advances, so does consumer demand.  Demand is expected to grow by more than sixteen percent each year until 2027.  Scientists and manufacturers are churning out new machines as quickly as possible to capitalize on the opportunity.  But despite the rapid proliferation of body sculpting machines, the same six treatments continue to be the most requested and the most popular body contouring treatments!

Are you considering adding body contouring services to your business?

Or starting a new body contouring business?

The ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses identified each of these six  treatments as a great choice for both body contouring beginners and body contouring veterans so read on and…

Guarantee your success by getting your body contouring business started with your choice of the 6 most popular body contouring treatments!


What are the 6 most popular body contouring treatments?

(listed in no particular order)


  • Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)
  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation
  • Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening
  • Vacuum Therapy Butt Sculpt
  • Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Muscle Toning
  • Lipo Laser


Why listen to us?  Years of experience and success in body contouring

More than six years ago, we built our seven-figure medical spa solely on non-invasive body contouring treatments.  Back when we started, non-invasive body contouring was still a new concept, and an unproven business model…but we were convinced, and we proved the concept successful when we went from zero to seven figures in less than a year.  And the success continues today.

We have learned and we know

The top 6 most popular body contouring treatments are:


Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)


Technology Explained

Cryolipolysis, also known as fat freezing, is a non-invasive body contouring technology that utilizes cold temperatures to destroy fat cells, leading to fat reduction in the targeted treatment area.  Research shows approximately 20% of the fat cells in the treated area are destroyed in one treatment.


It is often referred to as Coolsculpting; Coolsculpting is the brand name of the first FDA approved cryolipolysis device.


Typical Treatment Protocol

Treatment plans should be tailored to each client’s needs.  Most often, professionals recommend 2 treatments spaced 12 weeks apart.  Providers typically charge $499 and up per treatment session.



Results are achieved gradually over a period of about 12-16 weeks. Most clients won’t be able to see results until at least 4 weeks post treatment.


Why clients love it

  • Few (1-3 usually) treatment sessions required
  • Permanent fat cell elimination
  • Inch loss
  • Slimming and shaping


Learn more about Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) and how to get certified in Cryolipolysis here:

Cryolipolysis Fat Freezing Certification Course 

Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) Certification course

Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation


Technology Explained

Ultrasonic fat cavitation, also referred to as ultrasound cavitation - or simply ‘cavitation,’ is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses sound wave technology to destroy fat cells in a targeted treatment area.  It is often labeled ‘an alternative to liposuction’ because of its potential to produce dramatic results.


Typical Treatment Protocol

Clients can choose to undergo 1 treatment a week or 2 treatments a week, depending on their schedules.  Though all clients are different, we recommend a minimum of 6 treatments to start.  Providers typically charge $125 and up per treatment session, and offer ‘package discounts’ on the series pricing.



Results are seen gradually, but some clients notice visible results after just a few days and many others after just 1-3 treatments.


Why clients love it

  • Easy, comfortable treatment
  • Permanent fat cell elimination
  • Slimming, shaping, inch loss
  • Fast results
  • Can be combined with other technologies, like RF and Vacuum, LED to optimize and enhance results

Learn more about Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation and how to get certified in Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation here:

Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass

Body Contouring 6-in-1 Course

Are you looking for a good 6in1 Cavitation Machine?  We can help!

ultrasonic cavitation 6in1 machine

This 6-in-1 cavitation machine is like the one we use in our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.

#ad We are amazon associates, so if you click on a link that is a qualified purchase, we may earn a small commission which helps support our mission to provide top-notch body contouring education.

Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening


Technology Explained

  1. Radiofrequency (RF) is a non-invasive body contouring technology that delivers targeted energy to heat skin cells stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin cells to tighten and tone the skin.
  2. Radiofrequency (RF) energy can also penetrate into the subcutaneous fat layer and cause damage to fat cells leading to circumferential (inch) reduction.


Typical Treatment Protocol

Depending on client needs, we recommend a series of 6-10 treatments to start.  Treatments can be scheduled weekly or twice a week depending on client preference.  Providers typically charge $125 and up per treatment session and may offer discount pricing when the client commits to a recommended treatment plan.



Most clients notice a significant and immediate post-treatment improvement in their skin.  This initial reaction is due to collagen contraction and will last a day or so.  True skin tightening will occur at 21 days post treatment (the life cycle of a skin cell).  Results will continue to improve for up to 4-6 weeks after the final treatment.


Fat reduction will be seen gradually with final visible results at 6-12 weeks after the final treatment.


Why clients love it

  • Comfortable treatment
  • Improvement in skin laxity, tone, firmness
  • Smoothing of cellulite appearance
  • Inch loss and shaping
  • Can be combined with other technologies like cavitation, vacuum, LED to optimize and enhance results

Learn more about Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening and how to get certified in Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening here:

Vacuum Therapy Butt Sculpt


Technology Explained

Vacuum Therapy is a non-invasive body contouring technology that utilizes negative pressure energy combined with cups and massage to lift, firm, shape and sculpt the buttocks.  The technology can also treat cellulite, unwanted fat, and provide total body detoxification.


Typical Treatment Protocol

We recommend starting with a series of 6 treatments done once or twice a week depending on the client’s preference.  Tailor your treatment plan for each client’s needs.  Providers typically charge $100 and up per treatment session with ‘package discounts’ offered for a series.



Improvement is gradual, but some clients can see instant improvement after just one treatment (they love it!).


Why clients love it

  • Easy, affordable treatment
  • It’s possible to see immediate butt-enhancing results
  • Butt-enhancing results magnified with multiple treatments


Learn more about Vacuum Therapy Butt Sculpt and how to get certified in Vacuum Therapy here.

Vacuum Therapy Online Certification Course

Booty (and Body) Sculpting Masterclass

Are you looking for a good Butt Enhancement Vacuum Therapy Machine?  We can help!

vacuum therapy machine, holistic body contouring treatment

Here's a vacuum therapy machine like the one we use at our medical spa.  It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.

#ad We are amazon associates, so if you click on a link that is a qualified purchase, we may earn a small commission which helps support our mission to provide top-notch body contouring education.

Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Muscle Toning

Technology Explained

Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is a non-invasive body contouring technology that produces intense muscle contractions that build muscle, sculpt and define the muscles, and improve muscle tone. The treatment produces much more intense contractions than those produced when working out naturally.


Recent research shows this technology also burns fat and detoxifies the body (referred to as electro lymphatic drainage).


Typical Treatment Protocol

Treatments are done 1-2 times a week, depending on client preference.  While all clients are different, we recommend starting with a 6 treatment series.  Providers typically charge $75 and up per session and may offer ‘package pricing’ discounts.



Results are gradual and final results are usually seen about 4 weeks after the final treatment.  But all clients are different.  Some clients notice results after the first treatment.


Why clients love it

  • Builds and tones muscles
  • Provides ‘a workout without a workout’
  • Burns fat
  • Reshapes and sculpts
  • Can be combined with other technology like cavitation, lipo laser, RF to optimize results


Learn more about Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Technology and how to get certified in EMS muscle toning here:

Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation Certification Course

Electomagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Body Sculpting Course


Are you looking for a good Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Machine?  We can help!  Here’s a EMS machine like the ones we use in our medical spa!

Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation Certification Course, EMS Machine

View on Amazon!

#ad We are amazon associates, so if you click on a link that is a qualified purchase, we may earn a small fee.  It comes as no extra cost to you and we only recommend products based on our experience and/or use.



Lipo Laser

Technology Explained

  1. Lipo Laser is a non-invasive body contouring treatment that uses low level laser wavelengths, also referred to as ‘red light’ and ‘cold laser,’ to create transitory pores in fat cell membranes allowing the lipid contents to escape from the fat cells. These lipid contents are then picked up and eliminated from the body via the lymphatic system. The temporary pore in the fat cell later heals.

PRO TIP:  This fat reduction technology differs from most in that it causes inch reduction, but does not destroy fat cells.

  1. The low level laser wavelengths of Lipo Laser also stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, leading to skin tightening and improvement in tone and a smoothing effect (helps with cellulite).
  2. Additionally, the low level laser wavelengths of Lipo Laser increase circulatory and lymphatic function to assist in detoxification.


Typical Treatment Protocol

Though all clients are different, we recommend a series of 6-10 treatments to start.  Depending on the client’s schedule, treatments can be done weekly or two times a week (but treatments must be spaced at least 72 hours apart).  Typical fees per treatment session are $100 and up with ‘package discounting’ offered for a series.



Many clients see visible results after just one treatment, while it might take a few treatments for others.  Results continue to improve up to 6-12 weeks after the final treatment.


Why clients love it

  • Ability to treat larger areas than other treatments
  • Reduces inches
  • Shapes and sculpts
  • Improves skin tone and firmness
  • Results can be seen quickly
  • Comfortable treatment
  • Can combine with other technology like RF and Vacuum


Learn more about Lipo Laser treatments and how to get certified in Lipo Laser here:

Body Contouring 6 in 1 Masterclass


Make sure to include a LYMPHATIC BOOSTER

when selecting your choice(s) from the most popular body contouring treatments

  • When you decide on the treatment or treatments you will offer, make sure to include a Lymphatic Booster treatment to assist your client’s lymphatic system.
  • Non-invasive body sculpting treatments work by releasing fats, excess fluids, and toxins into the body, which the lymphatic system must then remove...before results can be seen.
  • If the lymphatic system does not work efficiently (which is all too common with today’s lifestyles), these fluids, toxins and fats remain in your client’s body...and poor-to-no results can be seen.


Choose from these lymphatic boosting therapies:

  • Cupping Therapy

Learn more about Cupping Therapy 


  • Vibration Therapy

Learn more about Vibration Therapy


  • Pressotherapy

Learn more about Pressotherapy


  • Infrared Sauna


To learn more about the business of non-invasive body contouring, visit our website at