How to choose the best body contouring machines for your business

laptop on a desk with body contouring equipment search with images depicting cellulite, fat loss, skin tightening, and muscle toning

In this article, we share the 6 steps we’ve developed over the years to choose the best body contouring machines for our medspa businesses so you can use them in your body contouring business too.



Whether you’re opening a body contouring business, adding body contouring services to your existing business or growing your current body contouring offerings, choosing the best body contouring machines to purchase is one of the most critical decisions you have to make.  After all, your business success is contingent upon your ability to solve your client’s body concerns.  And to do that, you need the best body contouring machines.


Choosing the right technologies and the right machines for your business can be a very difficult, if not overwhelming, task.  We know that firsthand.  We’ve owned and operated successful medical spas since 2006; the medspa we founded in 2015 has produced 7-figures a year since 2015.

The 6 steps we’ve used to choose the best body contouring machines for our 7-figure body contouring medical spa 


1 Know your client’s needs


Choosing the best body contouring machines/technologies to meet your client’s needs is key to your body contouring business success.


Your body contouring clients come to you asking for your help with the following concerns

  • Reduce fat
  • Tighten skin
  • Minimize cellulite
  • Enhance buttocks
  • Firm and build muscles
  • Minimize stretch marks


Have you identified your client’s most pressing body contouring problems and concerns and discovered which of those needs you don’t meet?

2 Know and understand the body contouring technologies


As discussed in Chapter 3 of the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of body contouring machines available for purchase.


When you go to choose the best body contouring machines, it’s normal to feel totally overwhelmed. How are you going to choose the best body contouring machines for your business when there are so many?


If you haven’t already, prepare a spreadsheet with this information.


List the body contouring technologies.  

  • Laser lipolysis
  • Cryolipolysis
  • Ultrasound Cavitation
  • Radiofrequency
  • Vacuum (Negative pressure energy)
  • Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
  • LED (Cold laser)
  • Acoustic Wave
  • Lipo Laser
  • Vibration technology
  • Infrared Energy
  • Intermittent Compression


Identify these things about each technology.

  • Indication (what is it used for)
  • Mechanism of action (how does it work)
  • What areas does it treat
  • What should the client expect during treatment
  • Number of treatments needed
  • When will results be seen
  • Recommended maintenance schedule
  • Contraindications

Multiple technology machines are on trend

There has not been a new body contouring  technology released since 2018.


But manufacturers have been releasing new multi-technology machines.

And though there is no one device to address all of the needs, you can find single platform  multiple-technology machines that can improve many client concerns, such as the 6in1 Cavitation machine.

3 Know what services your competitors offer


You need to know what, if any, competitors in your market offer the treatment/technology you are considering, and at what price.


This does not mean that you should not consider bringing a treatment or technology on board if competitors in your market offer that treatment/technology.  But if you find some who do, it requires a deeper analysis.


For example, if your market research reveals multiple competitors who offer the treatment you're considering at deeply discounted pricing, this should give you pause to think.  Will you be able to compete?  To offer the treatment at a profitable number?


4 Establish your budget


Before you jump in and start shopping machines, you need to determine what you can spend on your machines.  What is your budget?


When setting your budget, be sure to include the cost of the investment for education to operate the machine, plus any upfront costs to operate the machine.


Consider other possible needs that may result in additional expenditures 

  • Staff training
  • Additional office space
  • Scheduling availability
  • The need for new hires
  • And any additional overhead costs


5 Rely on experienced guidance


Who understands body contouring machines better than body contouring providers and business operators?  Who has more experience operating body contouring machines than body contouring providers?


You should consult with and rely on the advice of experienced body contouring professionals.


For example, at the Body Contouring Academy, we pour our combined 20+ years of body contouring business experience into our certification courses.  We carefully select each machine and/or technology for our certification courses, so we know we will be setting you up for body contouring business success.

And the last step in how to choose the best body contouring machine for your business

6 Limit your purchase to one machine at a time


At this point, you’re ready to choose the best body contouring machines and/or technologies for your business.


In our medical spa businesses, we always made ONE calculated device purchase at a time.


As small business owners we have smaller budgets, so it’s critical to stay within our means.  

Why starting with one machine is smart

  • You can clear profitability before purchasing another machine
  • You and your staff can develop true expertise in the treatments
  • You can focus your marketing efforts and advertising budget in the one machine
  • You avoid the burden (and expense) of learning and launching multiple machines at the same time

Start with one machine with plans to build and grow

Start with one machine and one course

Take one body contouring certification course.  We recommend the Body Contouring 6-in-1 Masterclass.   

Get the certification to treat four different body concerns

  • Loose skin
  • Unwanted fat
  • Cellulite
  • Stretchmarks


You’ll need to invest in just one multi-technology machine, the 6-in-1 Cavitation machine 

ultrasonic cavitation 6in1 machine

This 6-in-1 cavitation machine is like the one we use in our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.

#ad We are amazon associates, so if you click on a link that is a qualified purchase, we may earn a small commission which helps support our mission to provide top-notch body contouring education.

Equipped with five different technologies

  • Ultrasound cavitation
  • Radiofrequency (RF)
  • Vacuum/LED combo
  • Lipo Laser technology

How do you know the time is right to add another body contouring machine?


Your business will grow and you will want to add a body contouring machine at several points in the future.


Answer these questions when those times have arrived to choose the best body contouring machine to add to your business.


  • What treatments/technologies do you currently offer?
  • Are your existing treatments profitable?
  • Do your machines work well and make your clients happy?
  • Do your team members like your current machines?
  • Have your ‘ideal clients’ asked about a treatment you do not currently offer?  And if so, what is that treatment(s)?*

*only your ideal clients; do not consider what others have said

  • Do you feel you are meeting the needs of your ideal clients?
  • If not, do your ideal clients have a new unmet need or needs?
  • If you added this technology, how much competition will you face in your market?
  • Does the technology/treatment you are considering fall squarely within your business brand, your USP?

Then answer these questions

  • How much is the total investment?
  • Will the trend treatment produce new solutions for your clients and new profits for your business?

(be careful when considering equipment that produces the same benefits as your existing machines)

  • Can your business afford the investment?
  • Does your business have time to take time out of your schedule to train your team?
  • How hard will it be to design and implement your marketing plan to introduce and sell the new treatment?

Want to learn more about body contouring machines, body contouring certification courses, and/or starting a body contouring business?

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Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in November of 2021 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.