Learn how to treat large areas of fat with this Lipo Laser certification course

It’s not uncommon for clients to request treatment for a ‘large area’ of unwanted fat, much larger than we can treat effectively with other technologies. That’s because with most non-invasive body contouring treatments, we are limited to treating smaller ‘target areas’ with one treatment cycle. Treating larger areas requires a second run of the machine, and a second fee to our client. But there is a technology that has the ability to treat much larger areas with one treatment cycle. It’s called Lipo Laser and it works differently from all other non-invasive fat reduction treatments. Learn all about Lipo Laser and discover how to use it by getting certified in this online Lipo Laser certification course.
In this article, you will learn about Lipo Laser and discover what you’ll gain from the online Lipo Laser certification course
- What is Lipo Laser?
- How Lipo Laser is different from other non-invasive fat reduction technologies
- Why it’s critical to support your client’s lymphatic system with Lipo Laser
- Confusion surrounding the term ‘laser lipolysis’
- Additional (& surprising!) benefits of Lipo Laser
- Lipo Laser treatment areas
- The high earning potential with Lipo Laser
- The online Lipo Laser Certification Course
What is Lipo Laser?
Lipo Laser is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that delivers low level laser wavelengths to shrink fat cells and cause inch loss.
- Emits 635nm - 650nm low-frequency, low laser wavelength energy
- Called ‘cold laser’ because the laser wavelengths are not high enough to heat the body
- The laser energy is delivered via paddles belted to the treatment area
- The treatment is painless
The technology employed by Lipo Laser can be referred to by many names
- Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)
- Red Light Therapy
- Cold Laser
- Low Power Laser Therapy (LPLT)
How Lipo Laser is different from other non-invasive fat reduction treatments
In contrast with most non-invasive fat reduction treatments, Lipo Laser does not destroy fat cells. Instead it damages and shrinks fat cells. The fat cells later heal.
- The laser wavelengths damage the fat cell membranes and create temporary pores in the fat cell membranes
- The fat cell contents leak out through the pores in the fat cells
- The body eliminates the fat cell contents and other debris from the treatment through the lymphatic system
- Leading to inch loss over a period of time
- These pores in the fat cells later heal
- Treatment time is 30 - 60 minutes
- Like most non-invasive body contouring treatments, a series of treatments is recommended
Some clients want to avoid destroying their fat cells and others want only natural, holistic therapies
- Some clients desire inch loss and sculpting, but they do not want to destroy fat cells.
- Since all other non-invasive fat reduction technologies destroy fat cells, you can offer Lipo Laser’s fat cell-saving fat reduction benefits.
- And for those clients who want only natural, holistic therapies, you can offer Lipo Laser because it works holistically (with light).
Why it’s critical to support your client’s lymphatic system with Lipo Laser
Fat reduction treatments produce an additional workload for your client’s lymphatic system. Here’s why.
- Every non-invasive fat reduction treatment (including Lipo Laser) works by releasing fat and other debris into your client’s body.
- It is the job of your client’s lymphatic system to eliminate the treatment fat and debris from the body.
- Your client will not see reduction and inch loss until this elimination is accomplished.
No massage during a Lipo Laser treatment
- Most non-invasive fat reduction treatments include mechanical (hand-driven) massage with the treatment applicator. This massage assists your client’s lymphatic system in eliminating the fat and debris.
- Lipo Laser is different. It is delivered via stationary paddles and does not involve massage.
Lipo Laser involves a large treatment area releasing fat and debris
- Massage is important to assist your client’s body in moving the released fats and other debris towards the lymph nodes for elimination.
- This is especially true because of Lipo Laser’s ability to reduce fat in a large treatment area.
Therefore, every Lipo Laser certification course Protocols should include
- A ten minute lymphatic massage at the conclusion of each treatment
And/or one of the following lymphatic assist therapies
- Vibration Therapy
- Learn more about the detox benefits of Vibration Therapy
- Vacuum Therapy
- Learn more about the detox benefits of Vacuum Therapy
- Pressotherapy
- Learn more about the detox benefits of Pressotherapy
Confusion surrounding the term “laser lipolysis”
Many use the term laser lipolysis when describing Lipo Laser. That’s not incorrect, but it calls for an explanation. The term, laser lipolysis, literally means fat cell destruction caused by laser energy. And as you have learned, Lipo Laser does not destroy fat cells.
Be aware when enrolling in a lipo laser certification course that laser lipolysis is a term commonly used to describe three very different technologies/treatments/procedures and ensure the technology taught is the one you seek.
- Lipo Laser (Low Level Laser, cold laser)
- Laser Lipo (Laser-assisted liposuction, an invasive procedure)
- Laser Lipolysis using hyperthermic lasers, non-invasive treatments such as Sculpsure, Eon, Venus Bliss
Additional (& surprising!) benefits of Lipo Laser
Lipo Laser reduces inches in the treated area, referred to as circumferential reduction.
In addition to the fat reduction benefits, via a process called Photobiomodulation (PBM), Lipo Laser also
- Increases circulatory and lymphatic function
- Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
- Heals and rejuvenates the skin
Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a process that provides benefits to the human body much like the benefits of photosynthesis on plants. The Lipo Laser wavelengths deliver light energy to the body’s cells, acting directly on those cells to provide multiple benefits.
Photobiomodulation (PBM) produces additional benefits for your clients
- Skin firming and smoothing
- Improvement of skin tone
- Improved skin elasticity
Lipo Laser Treatment Areas
- Abdomen
- Upper Arms
- Flanks (hips, ‘love handles,’ ‘muffin top’)
- Inner Thighs
- Outer Thighs
- Pectoral (‘Bat Wings,’ ‘Bra Fat’)
- Upper Back
- Lower Back
High earning potential from a Lipo Laser certification course
- Lipo Laser is the single answer to treating large areas.
- Lipo Laser is the single answer for clients who do not want to destroy fat cells.
- Lipo Laser is the single answer for those who desire only holistic therapies.
- And Lipo Laser is a treatment many clients look for by name.
So it’s no surprise that Lipo Laser has a high earning potential!

Online Lipo Laser Certification Course
Take a look at our online Lipo Laser certification course. It has been named a ‘best body contouring certification course’ by the ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses!
When you enroll in our online Lipo Laser certification course, you’ll not only get certified in Lipo Laser, you’ll get a turnkey online body contouring certification course in which you’ll learn 4 different technologies
- Lipo Laser
- Ultrasound Fat Cavitation
- RF (Radiofrequency) skin tightening
- Vacuum/LED technology
And you’ll learn how to treat 4 body concerns
- Unwanted Fat
- Loose skin
- Cellulite
- Stretch Marks

Ready to learn more?
Are you looking for a good Lipo Laser Machine? We can help!
Here’s a Lipo Laser machine
Lipo Laser is included as part of the multi-technology 6 in 1 Cavitation Machine platform

This 6-in-1 cavitation machine is like the one we use in our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.
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Editor’s Note: This blog was originally published in December of 2021 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.