Top-selling holistic body contouring treatments perfect for your non-medical aesthetic business
As a non-medical aesthetic professional without a physician in your business, what body contouring services can you offer? Maybe you’re an esthetician, massage therapist, body contouring technician, cosmetologist, fitness trainer, weight loss center, day spa or other professional. You can’t purchase and operate medical grade body contouring equipment without a physician. But you can offer a variety of holistic body contouring treatments. And in this article, we list and break down the top-selling holistic body contouring treatments so you can choose the perfect treatments for your non-medical aesthetic business.
Holistic body contouring treatments are perfect for estheticians, massage therapists and cosmetologists, etc…as well as for non-licensed persons…who are operating in a non-medical setting
Body contouring machine Level Categories
- There are three levels of body contouring equipment
- Level I medical grade
- Level II paramedical grade
- Level III entry level
- Level I is medical grade and requires a physician to purchase and operate
- Level II is paramedical grade and also has conditions to purchase and operate
- Level III is entry level and has no conditions to purchase or operate
- Level III includes both medical technologies and holistic treatments
In this article we discuss
- The Level III machines
- that use holistic technologies and
- deliver holistic body contouring treatments.
For a comprehensive discussion of body contouring machine levels, refer to chapter 3 of the Ultimate guide to the best body contouring certification courses.
Aesthetic professionals in a non-medical setting can offer a variety of holistic body contouring treatments using technologies that assist and enhance the body’s natural systems.
Holistic body contouring treatments are great additions to medical spa and medical practice menus too!
- Holistic body contouring treatments are the perfect additions to a medical spa or a medical office.
- That’s why holistic body contouring treatments are very often offered in a medical setting, like a medspa, too.
- We offer all of the holistic body contouring treatments in our medspa.
Perfect holistic body contouring treatments perfect for your menu
Holistic Body Contouring Treatments
I. Vacuum Therapy Technology
Vacuum Therapy technology utilizes the holistic actions of negative pressure, cupping and/or mechanical massage.
Vacuum Therapy technology gives you the ability to treat diverse body issues and deliver multiple benefits for your clients.
Vacuum Therapy holistic body contouring treatments include
- Vacuum Therapy Butt Lift (Non-surgical BBL)
- Vacuum Therapy Cellulite Reduction
- Vacuum Therapy Detox Slimming
- Vacuum Therapy Lipo Sculpt Fat Reduction
Take a look at the breakdown of the 4 Vacuum Therapy treatments.
Vacuum Therapy Butt Lift (Non-surgical BBL)
How it provides body contouring benefits:
Vacuum Therapy Butt Lift technology utilizes a combination of negative pressure energy and cupping to enhance the buttocks in three ways
- Tightens and tones the gluteus muscles
- Increases venous flow to enhance size and shape
- Improves collagen and elastin production
Suggested Fees:
- $75-$175 per treatment for a 4-6 treatment protocol. Treatments should not be done more frequently than weekly to allow adequate detox time. Exact fees will depend on your market.
- We suggest offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
Vacuum Therapy Cellulite Reduction
How it provides body contouring benefits:
Vacuum Therapy Cellulite Reduction is a holistic body contouring treatment that utilizes a combination of negative pressure energy, mechanical massage and cupping to smooth and reduce the appearance of cellulite.
Suggested Fees:
- $75-$175 per treatment for a 4-6 treatment protocol. Treatments should not be done more frequently than weekly to allow adequate detox time. Exact fees will depend on your market.
- We suggest offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
Vacuum Therapy Detox Slimming
How it provides body contouring benefits:
Vacuum Therapy Detox Slimming is a holistic body contouring treatment that
detoxifies and leads to inch loss, weight loss, and an overall slimming effect.
This holistic body contouring treatment slims the total body.
Suggested fees:
- $75-$175 per treatment for a 4-6 treatment protocol. Treatments should not be done more frequently than weekly to allow adequate detox time. Exact fees will depend on your market.
- We suggest offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
Vacuum Therapy Lipo Sculpt Fat Reduction
How it provides body contouring benefits:
Vacuum Therapy Lipo-Sculpt holistic body contouring treatments combine negative pressure vacuum technology and mechanical massage to
(1) reduce the size of fat cells in a targeted area, like the abdomen, thighs, hip
and back, and
(2) firm and tone the skin via collagen remodeling, leading to a slimmer and smoother appearance
Suggested fees:
- $75-$175 per treatment for a 4-6 treatment protocol. Treatments should not be done more frequently than weekly to allow adequate detox time. Exact fees will depend on your market.
- We suggest offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
What you need to get started:
Here's a vacuum therapy machine like the one we use at our medical spa. It’s our pick based on years of experience and expertise.
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Holistic Body Contouring Treatments
II. Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Technology
How it provides body contouring benefits:
- Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is a holistic body contouring treatment that utilizes electrical muscle stimulation to produce intense muscle contractions that build muscle and sculpt the body.
- EMS treatments can improve the tone and definition of the muscles in the abdomen, buttocks, arms, buttocks and thighs.
- And recent clinical studies reveal that electromagnetic technology also acts to reduce fat.
Suggested Fees:
Fees range from $75-$175 per treatment area for a 6 treatment protocol. Exact fees depend on your market. Treatments can be done once or twice weekly.
We recommend offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
What you need to get started:
Electromagnetic Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Machine
Here’s an EMS machine like the ones we use in our medspa!
Holistic Body Contouring Treatments
III. Intermittent Compression Technology (Pressotherapy)
How it provides body contouring benefits:
- Pressotherapy is a holistic body contouring treatment that utilizes intermittent compression technology to slim the entire body.
- It provides total body detoxification eliminating fat, excess fluids, waste, and toxins from
- the body, and thereby reducing inches.
Suggested Fees:
- Fees range from $75-$175 per treatment with a recommended 4-6 week protocol. Exact fees will depend on your market. We recommend weekly treatments to allow time for the body to detox in between.
- We recommend offering member discounts and series commitments discounts.
What you need to get started:
Pressotherapy Machine
Holistic Body Contouring Treatments
Whole Body Vibration Technology
How it provides body contouring benefits:
- Vibration Therapy is a holistic body contouring treatment that utilizes side-to-side, up-and-down, and back-and-forth motions to create rapid micro-muscle contractions and increase blood and lymphatic circulation.
- The treatment leads to fat reduction, builds muscle, increases bone mass and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
Suggested Fees:
- Design a monthly vibration platform program and charge a flat monthly fee.
- Allow unlimited use of your vibration platform as part of your membership program.
- Include unlimited use of the vibration platform with the purchase of another body contouring treatment series.
- Even if you do not envision charging for the sessions, set a price and list a price. Setting a price creates a perceived value for the sessions. Our list price is twenty dollars per session (but we never charge that).
What you need to get started:
Whole Body Vibration Platform
Holistic Body Contouring Treatments
- As a non-medical professional, you have so many choices of perfect holistic body contouring treatments.
- These treatments meet the most in-demand body contouring needs: cellulite, excess fat, building muscle, buttock enhancement and detox.
- How do you choose? Consider your clients' top needs and goals to evaluate and choose the perfect holistic body contouring treatments for your menu.